My little girl has finally grown out of her nursery and into a big girl room. To be honest, it was long overdue. She had gotten to the point where her toes touched the end of her crib-turned-toddler-bed. She wasn’t thrilled about the owl-themed room that we dreamed up when she was just a little bean in my belly. (You can see her nursery here: I was a little sad about changing her baby room, but I wanted her to have something that was more little girl, more pink, more Charlotte. My mother-in-law offered to gift Charlotte with a newly designed bedroom for her birthday, and so it began.
The most fun part was that Charlotte wanted it to be a surprise. She requested butterflies and, of course, pink. So though we wanted to keep the neutral wall color, we threw in a lot of pink in the decor. We traded out the glider for a pink desk and the owl prints with some photographs that I took of flowers in our own garden, accented with 3D butterfly stickers. One of my favorite parts of the room is a watercolor world scratch-off map. You scratch off the places you’ve been to reveal watercolor underneath. I loved this idea because I thought it may make her more excited for travel and I love that you can see that there’s so much more of the world to explore!
Charlotte didn’t see any of her new room until the reveal. Her reaction was priceless… she was SO excited! She loves her new room…