
Lucy came home from an overnight trip to the vet yesterday, sans certain lady parts but with an interesting addtion… a CONE! This was unexpected since Chloe didn’t have to wear a cone after getting fixed or after her knee surgery. Looks like Lucy is not as good of a patient. They told Kev when he picked her up that she was quite a talker… which I take to mean that she screamed the entire time and they were oh so happy to see her go. And we are happy to have her home. Goofy cone and all…   

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  • Christy - Still cute as ever! Look at that wet beard! haha
    I hope she has a speedy recovery.

  • Emilee - Aw, look at her little cone! I thought Olivia would be groggy and have a cone after her surgery, but nope! She was her normal, crazy self and never messed with her tummy at all. I hope Lucy recovers well! She’s adorable! 🙂

  • melissa - Aahh…the cone. We know the cone all too well over at our house. It looks like Lucy’s at least is not sticking out about 5 inches past her face – good luck!

  • claire - ohh, poor little lucy!

  • Becky Serpe - Its all fun and games until someone ends up in a cone. haha!

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