happy 3 months, charlotte!

Dear Charlotte,

Happy 3 months, baby girl! Another month has flown by so quickly… I wish I could bottle up this time in your life to keep a little piece of it forever. I’m trying to cherish each little thing about you, as it all changes so fast. You still seem so tiny, but as we packed away more clothes that you’ve grown out of this weekend I can see how very much you’ve grown. At your 2 month doctor appointment, you weighed 10lbs 7oz. I think you’re now a little over 11lbs. You still look so much like your daddy, but there are certain expressions that you make that are so me. Your looks seem to have changed so much in these three short months, and I look forward to new discoveries each and every month.

Your personality is showing more and more every day. You’re a sweet baby, but you sure do have a feisty side. You are not shy about letting us know when you’re not happy. I feel like we’re finally getting good at realizing what your cries mean and how we can cheer you up again. You’re starting to realize that midnight is not an acceptable bedtime for a baby, and have been falling asleep for the night around 10pm, when we’re lucky. Sometimes I put you in your bed, put on your white noise, rock you a bit, and you fall right asleep… Other times, you fight sleep with a stubborn determination and your daddy and I take turns trying to soothe you to sleep. We’re trying to get into routines with you, but you like to keep us on our toes. Some nights you’ll sleep a solid eight hours, and others you’ll wake up after four. You’re still not a fan of your crib and refuse to sleep in there, preferring to nap in your swing despite my attempts at crib napping. I’m not sure that I’m ready to move you to your crib at night just yet… I love to be able to peek at you while you sleep, and seeing your beautiful smile each morning is the best way to start the day. Every morning, before he leaves for work, your daddy kneels down beside your bed and kisses you goodbye. He loves to see you all swaddled up like a baby burrito. If you stir, he runs of the room quickly, as he doesn’t want to get in trouble for waking you up at 5am… but he can’t resist sneaking in a kiss before he leaves.

You’ve really found your voice this month and have started ‘talking’. When we talk to you, you’ll smile and gurgle back. You especially love to talk to your daddy. I adore watching your conversations. Even if you’re in a cranky mood, you light up when your daddy gets home from work. You’ve also started grasping things… You’ll grab ahold of the toys that hang from your playmat and you have a small ball that you like to hold on to and occasionally try to get into your mouth. Unfortunately for you, Chloe also likes the ball and waits patiently for you to drop it so she can steal it away. I have a feeling that this will happen more and more as you grow and inevitably there will be little separation between your toys and the dogs toys. You’re starting to hold your head up a little better, though you still need some help. You’d doubtlessly be better at it if you didn’t scream each time we tried to place you on your tummy, but that’s ok… you’ll learn to do it at your own pace. I certainly don’t want to rush through this phase in your life. Right now, I’m just trying to soak up every minute of you…

I love you, baby girl.


Your mama

And some iPhone pics…

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  • Isabel - Charlotte…you’re AWESOME!

  • Bernadette - She is outrageously beautiful! Those eyes are just too much…love her!

  • Meredith Perdue - She has the cutest face, April!

  • Beira - Oh my goodness, she is a little doll! This is the fun age when you’ll start seeing all the different cute and silly expressions. I love the instagram shares 🙂 They are so perfect for when the real camera is out of reach. I love your way of capturing the little details. Enjoy your baby girl! It really does go so fast.

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