If there are any LOST fans reading, you’ll recognize this blog title as the logo on Hurley’s shirt from Wednesday’s season premiere. Wasn’t it an incredible episode?!? And how appropriate that I got to take a few shots of a Shih Tzu last weekend.
Meet Romeo. He’s getting up there in years, but still maintains his spunky personality. He’d go tearing through the house and wipe out when his feet slid out from under him on the hardwood floor. Ha. As we were standing in the hallway, we heard some whining and barking, though Romeo was no where in sight. After a quick search, Emma found him… in the master bathroom SHOWER! He had wandered in there and when the shower curtain closed behind him he couldn’t find his way out… Poor old guy! I couldn’t help but laugh. Though it was not quite as funny when we realized that his paws were soaked from the shower and he was leaving little wet paw prints all over the hardwood floors. You can’t really hold it against a face this cute though…
Emil - Awwww poor old Romeo! =(
Melissa - What a face!
Tracy - OH!!!! I love love LOVE his little head of fur! It’s fantastically crazy! I want to see more!!! : )
leesia - lol, what a cutie!! a perfect post & title for the day after lost. :p