Marshmallow hearts = True love.

As a kid, there was one thing that I looked forward to on Easter more than any basket full of chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, Reese peanut butter eggs, Cadbury cream eggs, and even egg shaped gumballs… and that was PEEPS. I couldn’t wait to see that box of yellow marshmallow chicks delicately shoved into my Easter basket, sometimes leaning up against the basket during years that the Easter bunny went overboard and filled the baskets too full to fit an extra box. Since that time, the sugar-coated delicacies have expanded to cover other holidays… there are pumpkin Peeps for Halloween, snowmen Peeps for Christmas, and my very favorite… red heart Peeps for Valentine’s Day.

Last weekend we were at the Target, picking up some necessities and I browsed the Valentine’s Day candy aisles. You can imagine my excitement when I noticed a shelf full of Valentine’s Day Peeps! The Valentine’s Day Peeps trump any others out there. These red marshmallow hearts are distinct in that they are filled with a strawberry creme, which gives you a little something different to spice up your Peep consumption. Kev was waiting with the cart as I emerged from the candy aisle, sporting my huge Joker smile. He raised his eyebrows and said:

“Are you really going to buy four boxes of Peeps?”

“These are only out once a year.” I replied. “I have to stock up.”

“Those four boxes will not even last you until Valentines Day.” He said.

He’s probably right…

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