Newborn Workshop

From the very beginning of my business, shooting pets was my love. They’re what I started out shooting. They’re my passion. We have two furbabies of our own that we adore and that make us laugh on a daily basis. But 16 months ago, we welcomed our (non-furry) baby, Charlotte, and things changed. A lot changed. And I saw newborns in a whole new light. Every newborn session takes me back to those first few days with my own baby girl. And I want to capture every.tiny.little.thing for those new parents because I now know how fast they grow, how precious those first days are, and how one day they will look back on those photos in disbelief that their baby really was THAT little.

Recently, I traveled to Virginia to learn from one of the best newborn photographers that I know… Amber from Little Moon Photography. I’ve admired her work for years. I’m always intrigued to see how other photographers work, and Amber really is a pro at working with newborns. It was eye-opening and I can’t wait to try out some of the things that I learned. Below are some of my shots from the workshop… the posing was done by Amber, and the shooting + editing was done by myself.

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