Dear Charlotte,

Today, my baby girl, you are 8 months old. And while 8 months sounds like a rather unremarkable age, this past month has been truly remarkable. Every day you are growing and changing and learning and it is a complete joy to watch. Each day you are taking steps from being a tiny baby blob to a lovely little girl. A little girl who smiles through the slats of her crib as soon as I enter her room. Who is very strong willed… when you see something that you want, you go for it. Who loves anything musical:  songs, instruments, and her mama’s terrible singing voice. Whose curiosity is already evident… you love exploring and examining new things so intensely that I can almost hear your brain working. Whose smile lights up a room… it sparkles through your beautiful blue eyes and when we’re out I often catch strangers smiling back at you. Who is so very loved.

Your daddy has been home with us due to an injured knee, giving him more time to teach you things. The first thing he taught you was how to clap this month. It might be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen because you’re incapable of clapping with anything less than a huge happy smile on your face. You learned to sit up on your own on August 7… and then you clapped for yourself. Well done, little girl. You started sitting in a high chair at restaurants. And while this may seem like no big deal, it makes you look so much bigger than sitting in your carrier. You enjoy being able to sit up and look around, you’re a big people watcher, and you love being able to grab anything that was mistakenly left within your reach on the table.

We’ve finally found a food that you seem to like… peaches! And though we try to encourage you to try a variety of new and different foods, it’s been hard not to feed you peaches every day… you just love them so much. And I just love that sweet smile of yours.

All my love,

Your mama.

I met Michelle several years ago and have been lucky to do 5 sessions with her so far… 2 pet sessions, an engagement session, her wedding, and now a photo session for her wonderful business;  Uniquely Yours Pet Care. She had me come out to capture some photos of her at work and her clients’ pups at play. It was so much fun and below are some highlights from the session…

  • Christy - Awww little cuties! What kind of dog is that with the blue frisbee, under the spaniel?

I love this family like my very own…

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