After all the goodies in last month’s Barkbox, Chloe + Lucy anxiously awaited this month’s box. Barkbox did not disappoint. Below you’ll find the good stuff that the pups received in their Barkbox…

  • Gulpy – this is a handy water dispenser to bring along on walks or to the dog park. Pretty useful this time of year. The bottom folds out to create a little bowl for the dog to drink out of. We actually already have one of these from another company and while it works for Lucy, Chloe is too weirded out by it to drink from it. She’s a strange dog.
  • Warren London pampering products – Hydrating butter for your pup’s coat and a deep cleansing paw fizz tablet. And a cute Boston Terrier on the label – love! We haven’t tried the tablet, but I put a little of the hydrating butter on Chloe… it feels nice and has a great scent.
  • Bullystick – This is Lucy’s favorite part of the Barkbox, as it was with April’s Barkbox. We’ve ordered from in the past and they’re great… good quality and prices.
  • Sqwuggie – Chloe’s favorite part of the Barkbox is this toy from She LOVES it! It’s a pull toy made out of firehose material (which is great since Chloe is notorious for destroying toys) and it squeaks. She has been chewing on this thing for days. We even tried to bury it in the bottom of her toy basket in hopes that she’d choose a new toy for a bit but she found it and dug it out. This toy is a big hit!
  • Sloppy Kisses peanut butter delights – These treats were the first thing that I took out of the box and the pups followed me around until I gave them one. They smell more like peanut butter than dog treats, which is nice, and the pups loved them!

To start receiving your very own BarkBox, just go to You choose your pups size:  small & cute (0-20lbs), just right (20-50lbs), or big & bold (50+lbs). You can then choose how many monthly boxes you’d like to receive:  $25/month for 1 month, $21/month for 3 months, or $17/month for 6 months. And if you enter the discount code:  APZIE001 , you can get $5 off your purchase making the 6 month subscription less than $16/month. Score!

  • Stacey - I’m so SO jealous you guys get this over in US. We don’t have anything like that over here!

  • Diane Pesavento via Facebook - Definitely got hazel six month’s worth of presents. She’s so spoiled.

  • April Ziegler Photography via Facebook - Nice!! She deserves it 😉

  • Melanie - On behalf of SLOPPY KISSES, we are honored that you LOVED our Dallas Peanut Butter Delights. If you ever need more..WE SHIP!! LOL..and WOOFS and KISSES ( sloppy).

Dear Charlotte,

Today you turn 5 months old. This past month was full of challenges and celebrations. Challenges as you change your sleep schedule, giving up your 2-3 hour naps in exchange for 20-30 min naps. Mama is still adjusting to that change. And celebrations over your new firsts… You decided to prove mama wrong by rolling from your back to belly! Many times. You’re now a rolling machine! The problem is that you’re no longer rolling from belly to back, so now once you get onto your belly, you’re stuck. And that pisses you off, immensely. So you’ll cry until we flip you back over. That cycle continues over… and over… and over… You’re doing a lot better about grabbing on to things. You’ve started to grasp and shake your rattles and seem to comprehend that you can make noise with them. You still love music and anything that lights up and blinks. To celebrate your 5-month birthday today, we went for a walk in the park and then let you taste a teeny tiny bit of our vanilla froyo. You started smiling and sticking out your tongue right away… you loved it! I’m looking forward to our upcoming adventures in introducing you to food.

We had a little scare this month when we went for your 4 month dr appt. They decided that you should go for a hip ultrasound since your chubby little leg rolls are not symmetrical, which can indicate a hip problem. Who knew that fat rolls are supposed to be symmetrical? So we headed to CHOP… mama nervous as anything, and you still happy as could be… and I played you your favorite song on YouTube to keep you calm while they did the ultrasound. Thankfully, all the results came back normal. And I still love your leg rolls, even though they scared the crap out of me.

On April 21, we celebrated one year from when we found out that you were coming and about to change our lives in the most amazing way. Wow, how things have changed in a year. We celebrated my very first Mother’s Day this month. Sometimes I still get hit with the thought that “I’m a mother” and it shocks me. Really. I’m a mother. I get to be the mama to a beautiful baby girl and it doesn’t get much better than that.


Your mama.

And a comparison between 1 day and 5 months old. Oh how my baby has grown… ::: sigh :::

  • Isabel - Charlotte…you are so crazy cute and bring a smile to sooo many people’s faces 🙂

  • Christy Jackson via Facebook - I’m so happy to hear the u/s results came back normal!

  • Amanda Young - Love, love, love them all. 🙂 She just gets cuter and cuter! And that licking shot at the end is MY FAVORITE! Kisses to little C! xoxoxo.

Beautiful couple. Beautiful venue. Beautiful day. I couldn’t think of a better way to start the wedding season…

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  • Tina - That top left photo? To die for! Can’t wait to see the full post, it was SUCH a beautiful wedding!