The hardest part of my job is when my clients lose their dear pets. It’s heartbreaking. It’s particularly difficult to hear such sad news from clients that I’ve gotten to know like Sarah + Dave. I shot their engagement session back in 2009, which of course included their adorable black pug Maggie Mae. And I was thrilled when they asked me to photograph their wedding in Williamsburg, Virginia in 2010. Although Maggie Mae wasn’t able to be at the wedding, she was right by her mama’s side as she got ready for her big day. Maggie Mae has been with them through some of their biggest life moments, and I know she will be deeply missed.

  • Diane Pesavento via Facebook - Just gave my puppy a hug after reading your post.

  • Elisa Damato via Facebook - 🙁

Five years ago today, I married the love of my life on a beautiful beach in Mexico. The day was everything that I imagined it to be and more. I can say the same about the past five years. The man that I love has grown into the most amazing husband. And as I expected, into a wonderful father. It’s hard to believe that five years have passed already, and at the same time it’s hard to believe that it’s only been five years. Many things have changed, and much has stayed the same. But this year, we’re not only celebrating as a couple… we’re celebrating as a family.

Dear Charlotte,

Happy 1 month birthday! I can’t believe that it has already been one month since we were rushing to the hospital, terrified and excited. Unsure about what was about to go down. Oblivious to how our lives were about to change. The day that we met you was, without a doubt, the most amazing day of our lives. The feeling when they first place that tiny little baby on your chest is an overwhelming and all-encompassing kind of love. I don’t have the words to describe it, and don’t know that I have the energy to try right now. The past month has been a rollercoaster of awe, exhaustion, and pure joy. And I feel so blessed.

In one month, you have changed so much. They say that the first days after you bring your baby home are a blur. However, the first days after we brought you home were a breeze. You slept pretty much all day and night. Your daddy and I smiled at each other, thinking that we were given the easiest baby in the world. We stared at you as you slept peacefully, and your sleep smiles melted us. We found it hard to believe that you were finally here… And that you were all ours. You slowly became more alert and I love to see how aware of your surroundings you are becoming. You love to lay on a blanket and kick your legs… I remember those kicks vividly, as they would often find their way to my ribs in the middle of the night. You’re a feisty little nugget, just like I knew you would be. You have your daddy’s lips and your mama’s blue eyes. We’re taking bets on what color your hair will be. It’s light, and seems like it could end up being either blonde or strawberry. Your skin is so unbelievably soft and your hair has that new baby smell that trumps both the new car smell and the smell of puppy breath combined. You’re often fussy around dinnertime, but you’re so happy in the mornings. Each morning I look forward to seeing your first big stretch as you wake, and the faces that you make as you wake up make me laugh every day. I adore everything about you. And I feel so lucky to watch you grow.

You, baby girl, are so loved.


Your mama.

Below are a collection of mostly iPhone photos of Charlotte’s first month…

On December 19, we were given a more amazing {early} Christmas gift than we could have ever imagined… our baby girl, Charlotte Reese. She was born at 1:06am, only 3.5hrs after we got to the hospital, weighing 6lbs 12oz and was 20.5 inches long. She is absolutely perfect and we are smitten. There are no words for how happy this Christmas has been.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

  • judy gross - She is just beautiful. Congratulations!

  • Judy Gross via Facebook - She is beautiful!

  • Emil - She is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations to you and your husband!!

  • Fanny Blondin via Facebook - Precious!!! Congratulations again!!!!

  • Christina - Congratulations!

  • Concetta - What a precious gift! I am so happy for you and Kevin! Congrats again on the most beautiful baby girl:) Enjoy every minute with her!

  • Caitlin - I just LOVE her!!

  • Christine - She is perfect! Love you! 🙂

  • Erika Frederickson - Welcome to the world baby Charlotte……you are just adorable!!!

  • Meredith Perdue - She’s lovely! Congratulations to you all!

  • Suman Kanna via Facebook - Congratulations April ,, she’s so cute.

  • Emily - So beautiful – congratulations, April & Kev!!

  • Virginia carden - What an awesome christmas gift! She is beautiful, congratulations!

  • Amanda Young - PERFECTION! Can’t wait to meet her! xo.

  • Tricia - Congratulations to the Ziegler Family! She is beautiful!

  • Bernadette - Awwww, she is an absolute angel!! Congratulations; I cannot wait to meet her 🙂

  • Silvina B. - Congratulations!!!!! She’s beautiful!!

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