So, I don’t think I’ve written any pregnancy updates on the blog since we announced our little one’s impending arrival back in May. Things get busy, as I’m sure happens in most cases, particularly when wedding season is involved. I do update Facebook more regularly, so if you’re on there… Friend me! In baby-related news, things are going really well! Back in July, we found out that we’re having a baby GIRL… which was documented HERE by my good friend Tina. Baby girl is growing and becoming more and more feisty every day. Tomorrow I will be 29 weeks. It’s both indescribably exciting and terrifying that in less than 3 months, we will be a family of 3 (+2 dogs and 1 cat). But we’re over-the-moon-excited to finally meet this little girl. We had a lovely weekend and were blessed to get to celebrate our new addition on Sunday at our baby shower. It was amazing of our family and friends to share in this special time of our lives with us. The hubs took a few photos to document the growing bump…

Michelle + Greg got married last weekend in a sweet outdoor ceremony. The guest of honor? Their bulldog, Killian, took on the role of ring bearer… He did a fabulous job and made it down the aisle all alone in his “King of the Rings” t-shirt. Love! Congrats to Michelle + Greg!!

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  • Michelle (AKA: Charlotte and Zoey mommy) - I love love love them! Thank you sooo much