Though they no longer live in the city, it was only appropriate to do Haley + Frank’s engagement session in the city where they met and fell in love…

Denise + Travis started off their wedding day by doing a ‘first look,’ which is always my favorite part of the day! There were smiles and a few tears, and they got to enjoy some quiet time together before the chaos of the wedding day began. LOVE!

  • Denise Gotwals - ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! You freakin’ rock ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Kim Walters - I knew our daughter would be a BEAUTIFUL Bride!!!! Can’t wait to see more—Love Mom

Sara and Shawn met in nursing school at Widener University, so it was only appropriate that their engagement session included the campus where they first met, the library where they spent much of their time, and… of course… stethoscopes…

  • Amanda Young - the stethoscope ring shot is AWESOME. omg.

  • Life with Kaishon - What a beautiful couple. That ring shot is off the hook fantastic! I LOVE it!

  • Emily - Wow, what a ring shot!!!! Amazing!!

May 20. Ten years ago, this day changed my life in the most traumatic and devastating way. A way that made all of May dreary and dark. A way that made me dread it’s approach each year with a lump in my throat and a knot in my stomach. A way that made me wish harder than any other day that things could be different. The day I lost my little brother.

This year, May became a little brighter. May 20 became a day that I counted the days until. A day that I anxiously and excitedly awaited. This year, May 20 went from one of the worst days of my life to one of the very best. The day that we first saw our precious little BABY…

Baby Ziegler

ETA: ย 12.28.2011

  • Melanie Yu via Facebook - eeeeh!!! congrats!! <3

  • Melanie Yu via Facebook - sorry to hear about your brother but i’m glad it’s a happy moment for all now =)

  • Sarah Hein via Facebook - Congratulations to you & your hubs, April!!!!

  • Jill Rudolph via Facebook - Congrats!!! What a gift from your brother to you ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Silvina B. - I LOVE news like these……!!! Congratulations, enjoy every second!!!

  • Susan Berman - I’m glad that this May brought life and happiness to you. Congratulations on the new little one and while it won’t take away or ease the sorrow of loosing someone you love, hopefully it can help brighten your outlook with a new journey.

  • kelly g - Oh wow! What an emotional day for you. I am so sorry about your brother, but congratulations on your little bundle of joy!!!!

  • Shey - CONGRATS! So exciting!

  • Ribbons of Red via Facebook - Yay congrats!!

  • Ribbons of Red via Facebook - Yay congrats!!

  • Renee - Beautifully written, and I am so happy for you!!!

  • Ricki Kraft - CONGRATULATIONS APRIL!!!!! That is so exciting ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Judy G - So happy for you! You will be a great mom!

  • Nicolasa - What a wonderful way to celebrate the worst the day. Beautiful post, beautiful photo! Congrats!

  • Naomi Awerbuch Rodriguez via Facebook - Congratulations!!!!

  • Becky Serpe - Aw, Congratulations April!!!

  • Emilee - Oh my goodness, congratulations! I’m so happy for you and Kevin! So awesome! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Michelle Scharff via Facebook - That is such awesome awesome news!!!! Congratulations

  • Stacey - Woooohooooo!!!! Huge news! Amazing, congratulations!

  • Jodie - Well said Abu!! So happy for you! Xoxo!

  • Isabel - Finally! I feel as if I’ve known forever!! So, so happy for you guys! Can’t wait to spoil the little nugget!

  • Concetta - So happy for you and Kevin! Congrats on some really happy news!

  • Bernadette Uzcategui - XOXO – I couldn’t be happier for you guys!

  • Emily - So happy to hear that May 20 has turned into a positive day with new life to celebrate. Congratulations!!!!!

  • Amanda Young - You never told me the significance of 5/20. An interesting thing, that life is. You know I truly couldn’t be more excited for you both! Despite what you try to say, you two are going to be some of the best parents out there!

    Speaking of, I call dibs on taking some of the first pictures of you with the little bean. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Michelle - Congratulations April! Nick and I are so happy for you! What exciting news!

  • Tina - SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

  • johnwaire - congratulations april!!!! awesome news ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Jennie - Congratulations April. I’m so happy for you!

  • Li - OMG CONGRATS!!!!!!!

  • Laura - Congratulations April … so happy for you!


Monica + Shaun are getting married in just a few short weeks so I was excited that we were able to get together for their engagement session recently…

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