PAWS is the largest no-kill rescue organization in Philadelphia and works tirelessly to find homes for thousands of the city’s homeless and abandoned animals every year. When they contacted me to be a part of this club, I was honored. PAWS has just launched PAWS Club, and if you haven’t heard about it yet you can check it out HERE! Over 100 Philadelphia-area businesses are participating and offering discounts just for PAWS Club members… everything from restaurants, boutiques, pet supply stores, groomers, dog walkers, trainers, pet photography (of course!), and more!  Anyone can join by making a $50 donation for the 2011 year. Join today and help save lives!

Today, the world lost another sweet bulldog… Caboose. My heart goes out to Caboose’s momma, Kate. Kate adopted Caboose two years ago as a senior dog, shortly after this photo was taken. RIP Caboose the moose…

1. Have you ever used Craigslist?

Nope. It kind of scares me.
2. Can you sew?

Ha. Not at all. I’m always so impressed by people that are crafty with sewing and knitting. I can’t even sew buttons back on. That’s sad. Fortunately I have a very domestic husband.

3. Do you pour syrup on your pancakes or dip your pancakes in the syrup?

Pour on the syrup!
4. Rain storms: Love them or hate them?

Love them if I don’t have to shoot. Hate them if I do.

5. Do you like swimming?

Love it, though I don’t get to do it nearly enough. I absolutely love swimming in the ocean… there’s something very calming and therapeutic about it to me.
6. What kind of drink do you order at Sonic?

No drink. Double cheeseburger + fries.
7. Are you funny?

Probably more goofy than funny.
8. At what age will your kids get cell phones?

No idea. I’ve never even considered this.
9. What’s your favorite vegetable?

Spinach. I love spinach… on pizza, in pasta, with some grilled chicken.
10. Were you a Girl Scout?


  • Isabel - I have proof of said goofiness 🙂

A sneak peek of Melissa + Josh’s fabulous engagement session, including a cameo from the cutest french bulldog ever… Diesel!

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  • Melissa - LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!! Thank you so much April! They are beautiful!

  • Emily - Beautiful… you always find such gorgeous light! Diesel is so cute, too!