1. What is the weather like in your city today?

Beautiful! It was warm and mid-80s. Unfortunately since it’s too soon to turn on the AC, it’s still almost 80 in our house.

2. Do you like the zoo?

Sure. Who doesn’t?

3. Do you eat coconut?

I hate the taste of coconut, but I love the smell of it. I’m weird like that.
4. Have you ever hammered a nail? Are you good at it?

I have, though I wouldn’t necessarily say that I’m good at it.
5. Does your family have a vacation destination that you visit often?

We used to always go to my grandpop’s house right off of LBI. We have a lot of good memories, and a lot of traumatic boating experiences, from there.
6. How many pillows do you sleep with?

Just 1.
7. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Drink a glass of water. Then take out the dogs.
8. Will you send your kids to summer camp?

If they want to go, I suppose. I wouldn’t force them to go.
9. What do you put in your baked potatoes?

Butter and sour cream.
10. Did you take swimming lessons as a kid?

I don’t think we ever had lessons. But we grew up around pools so were always in the water.

Jenni and Matt got married last Saturday, on what was one of the rainiest days of the year. But the rain didn’t damper their day in the least. They were total troopers and worked their multi-colored umbrellas, smiles shining.

We started the day at Jenni’s house, where Zoey stayed close to her momma…

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  • kelly g - I am in love with that second shot! Great job!