Every time that I hear of the loss of one of my pet clients, my heart hurts. The Scott family just lost their sweet Golden Retriever pup, Diggity. Diggity dog was with them for almost 15 years so she lived a long, love-filled life but we all know that we never have long enough with the furry loves in our lives. My thoughts are with them as they remember the life of their beautiful girl…

  • Sarah Lajevardi via Facebook - My heart aches for The Scott Family. Although I do not know them, we have a dog of our own. He will be 8 next month and I can’t help but get sad as he gets older. I can’t imagine their loss. : (

  • Meredith Perdue - I’m so sorry, April. Diggity was just beautiful! I’m sure they are so appreciate of your talents, especially right now.

  • Mike Ct via Facebook - We miss you digs!

Bunny the bulldog is featured in Dog Fancy magazine’s April 2011 issue and one of my images from our session last year was chosen for the article! Pick up the magazine or see below to read about Bunny’s adoption story and how she went from a neglected situation to a loving home with Kara, one of the founders of HeavenSent Bulldog Rescue. HeavenSent is a fabulous rescue and if you go to one of their events (Bullyfest is coming up on April 17… be there!!), you’ll likely see Bunny making the rounds with her wiggly behind and kissing anyone lucky enough to be in her path. Congrats to Bunny for the feature! And a big thank you to Kara for all the amazingly selfless work she does for the rescue!

And here are some shots of the famous Bunny from our session…

  • Shelly - I love these April ! They put a big smile on my face 🙂

  • Emily - Congratulations!! What a sweet pup. I just love the image of her closing her eyes & sticking out her tongue! haha

  • Leesia - Congrats on the feature – looks great!

1.  What condiments are always, always in your fridge?

Mostly the standards… ketchup, mustard, bbq sauce, mayo. My hubby does the grocery shopping so we’re always fully stocked.
2.   How do you like your steak cooked?  Your burgers?

Medium rare.
3.  What’s your favorite use for fresh tomatoes?

I love, love, love Caprese salad. I love anything with tomatoes. Kev grows tomatoes and we have several local farmers that grow amazing tomatoes so I already can’t wait for tomato season. We’ll slice them up, sprinkle on some salt and a drizzle of olive oil and have them as a snack.
4.  What’s your go-to dinner when you haven’t planned anything in advance and you don’t feel like going out?

Boboli pizza… the make-your-own pizza.
5.  What’s your favorite snack food lately?

I’m a huge Cheeto addict. Though I’m trying not to snack much recently. But I just love Cheetos.
6.  What’s your favorite weekend breakfast to make at home?

7.  What’s your favorite thing to grill?  How do you do it?

Steak. Super easy. Kev grills up asparagus sometimes too, which I love but prefer it in the oven with some olive oil and sea salt.
8.  What’s your favorite wine for under $10? If you’re not a wine person, what brand of beer is your favorite?

I don’t really have a favorite, I like to try different wines each time. I’m the type of person that often chooses wine based on the label. Yes, a pretty or fun label hooks me every time. My current favorite type of red wine is Malbec, and white wine is Riesling. And my favorite beer is Hoegaarden.
9.  Give us your most delicious cocktail recipe.

In honor of spring and the hope for warm weather, here’s a lemon balm mojito recipe:


1 sprig fresh lemon balm leaves (About 5 leaves)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 ounces rum
1 1/2 ounces lime juice
Top with Sprite or tonic water


Put the lemon balm and the sugar in a short glass; bruise well together (don’t shred). Add the shot of rum, a squeeze of lime, and fill the glass with tonic water. Add ice and stir gently. Garnish with a lime or lemon balm sprig.

10.  How do you like your eggs?

Dippy eggs! Which are what I guess most people call over easy? No one makes them like my Mom.

The winner of the Rescue Chocolates is…

Melissa B.!!

Thank you all for playing!

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  • Melissa - Thank you, April! I cannot wait to try them!