Crash and Echo are both rescues that have found their way to a loving new home. A new life.

And tomorrow, come back for a fantastic rescue-related GIVEAWAY!!!

  • Ian J - Awww, brilliant that they have found their forever homes, i bet they are happily snoozing away on a sofa right now! I LOVE the wide angle ones with the little dude smiling away ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Wren Ingram - LOL, Ian- you are so right! They are both on the sofa (no room for me) and Echo is TOTALLY smiling that goofy smile that melts my heart…

Today was Lucy’s least favorite day. Grooming day. Add to that the fact that she hates the car, and it’s a double whammy. But the haircut was definitely much needed, so I decided to do a little before / after photoshoot. Lucy was less than cooperative. I have to admit, my own dogs are the hardest to photograph. With a little bit of bribery, I was able to grab a few shots to share her drastic {and simply adorable} change.

The big reveal…

  • Mom - Aaaaawwww how simply adorable!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Lucy you clean up sooooo cute!!!! Love you all, mom

  • Christy - What a precious girl. She looks adorable both scruffy & trimmed, but also like a completely different pup. Love it!

  • Emily - Lucy is a cutie… I think she’s adorable both before and after the grooming. ๐Ÿ™‚

Taryn + Arif went on their first date to Five Guys. While it may not be the most romantic atmosphere, it’s deliciousness can’t be denied. After about two years, he got down on one knee on the beach in St. Maarten and told her that he knew that he wanted to spend his life with her from their first burger and fries.

We did their engagement session at Lake Lenape in Perkasie and included a vintage car, hot heels, their super cute puppy Sophia. Feel free to swoon over all three. I did.

  • Sara - I’m dying over these – love, love, love them!

  • AmandaD - oh I love the set with the Thunderbird- they are gorgeous!

  • Laura - The show shot is amazing!

  • Laura - shoe … shoe shot!

I get the feeling that there are far too few furry faces around these parts recently. Try saying that sentence three times fast. Pup faces make me happy. I know that many readers of this blog are pet lovers and since you may have missed some of my favorites, I’m going to post a random pet photo on Wednesdays that I happen to love. I hope they brighten your day as much as they do mine. We’ll start with Rocky…

  • Connie Funk - Look at those eyes! April, it’s like you caught his whole personality right here in this photo! I love this!

  • Penny Ronning - Beautiful picture!

Ricki + Dan met while working on the high school tv production studio together, the Viking Channel. When she left for college, he transferred so that they could be together. They recently moved to the Philly area together and both work as teachers. In only a few months, they’ll vow to be together forever, at the People’s Light and Theatre… a very cool venue in Malvern.

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