1. What’s your favorite kind of donut?

My favorite, FAVORITE kind of donut is from WaWa… It’s a glazed donut with chocolate stripes and a white cream filling. So yummy!

2. Do you use the snooze button?

All. the. time. In fact, I purposefully set my clock ahead of time to account for a few snoozes.

3. Do you write in cursive, print, or a combination of the two?

Print. My cursive has always been sloppy.

4. Tell us a joke.

My husband’s favorite joke is:

What kind of socks do pirates wear?


Don’t worry, I won’t tell him if you didn’t laugh.

5. How many languages do you speak?

2. English and Spanish. My degree is in Spanish and International Business. Though my Spanish is surely struggling right now since I rarely get a chance to use it. I once tried to teach myself German. Fail. And I took an Italian course before we went there so I know a teeny tiny bit of Italian.

6. Why did you start blogging?

I first started a personal blog shortly after our wedding with the intention of using it to document our newlywed lives. A journal of sorts. With the hopes that I would keep it updated more regularly than I ever did with a real journal.

7. Do you use bar soap or liquid body wash?

Bar soap. Dove. Sometimes the hub buys nasty soap, like Irish Spring (blech!), and then I’m forced to use any of the mini-bottles of body wash that we’ve collected from hotel visits until Dove soap reappears in our shower.

8. Do you buy bottled water?

We do. Though I try to use my Sigg bottle whenever I can. Better for the environment. And free.

9. What did you think of the Super Bowl Half Time Show?

Didn’t watch.

10. How do you feel about Steve Carell leaving The Office?

I’m very sad about it! The Office is one of my favorite shows and as much as I love the rest of the cast, it just won’t be the same without Steve Carell.

Four years ago, we were so far from where we are today. It’s hard to believe how much has changed from that day on a Mexican beach when we promised to love each other in good times and in bad. There have certainly been some bad. But there has been SO much good. For that, and for him, I feel very lucky.

Happy Groundhog Day to all of you. Happy anniversary to us!

Photo by Del Sol Photography

  • AmandaD - Happy Anniversary! What a great shot- you were a beautiful bride 🙂 Have fun celebrating tonight.

  • Tina - Aw happy anniversary!!! Hopefully you guys are doing something fun to celebrate:)

  • Emily - Happy Anniversary!!!!! What a beautiful image!

  • Christy - Happy Anniversary! <3

  • Stacey - Awe, our anniversaries are close, yet so far far away 🙂 Happy Anniversary to you guys too!

  • Emilee - Aw! Happy Anniversary to you and Kevin!

1. What is your favorite childhood memory?

It’s so hard to think of one specific memory, but I have fond memories of the summer vacation at my Pop’s house in New Jersey. Our family vacations were always a blast, and an adventure.
2. What is your favorite quality about yourself?

Goofyness. I try to have fun no matter what we’re doing.
3. What is your favorite thing that your child does?

I suppose that I’ll answer this about my furkids. 🙂 I love when they play together. Lucy is an expert at keep-away and often taunts Chloe by bouncing around in front of her with a toy that Chloe just cannot get, regardless of how many circles around the couch they do.

4. What is your favorite thing to do to relax?

Read. I’ve discussed my obsession with this before.
5. What is your favorite restaurant? And what is your favorite thing on the menu?

Amada. I love this restaurant because it makes me so nostalgic for my time in Spain. It would be so hard to choose a favorite thing on the menu, but I love, love, love the cheese plate.

6. What is your favorite piece of jewelry (besides your wedding ring)?

The necklace that my Dad gave me the night I met my husband.

7. What is your favorite night of the week M-TH? And why?

I’d probably choose my favorite based on what night of TV I like best. Kind of sad, but true. I’m such a reality tv junkie. As much as I’d like to, I can’t resist it. Monday nights are now a fave of mine due to the Bachelor. Don’t judge.

8. What is your favorite dessert?

Tiramisu! Yummmmm! I get a tiramisu cake for my birthday each year.

9. What is your favorite item in your make-up bag?

Chapstick. Boring but essential.
10. What is your favorite smell?

This is a hard question because so many memories are tied to smell. I have a lot of favorites. I love the smell of coffee…. naturally, as a coffee drinker it is a staple of my morning routine. But I wasn’t always a coffee drinker. The smell of coffee reminds me of early in our relationship when Kev would have a pot of coffee brewing in the morning. The smell eventually drew me in, as did the caffeine. And now I’m reminded of our early days together and our tiny little one bedroom apartment.

Twinkie is a 13 year old pug that has had to deal with more hardships than most other squishable pups his age. He’s blind, deaf, and diabetic. And so fortunate to have someone who loves him as much as Kim does. It was such an honor to get to spend the morning with them and document their bond.

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  • Angus & Robyn - I love the three pictures above the last one. Too cute!

  • Emily - Awhhhhhhh what a sweet pup! I love these images, April.

  • Ian J - Awwww, i LOVE Twinkie! What brilliant images 🙂