This year I photographed a bunch of REALLY cute pets. So many smooshably sweet faces that I couldn’t possibly decide on a favorite. But YOU can. Below I have chosen an image from each pet that I’ve photographed. I want you to leave a comment about your FAVORITE of my favorites.

Contest will go until January 9 at midnight and the owner of the favorite image will be awarded an 8×12 gallery mount of the selected image!

Thank you again for a fabulous year! Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2011!!

1. Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella

2.  Stella

3.  Bentley

4.  Terminator + Molly

5.  Roxi

6.  Guido

7.  Thor

8.  Makaila

9.  Bella

10.  Bruce Lee

11.  Jackson

12.  Daisy

13.  Chewy

14.  Vinny

15.  Cole

16.  Sweets

17.  Kiefer

18.  Kayla

19.  Sadie

20.  Shiloh + Rocco

21.  Indy + Oscar

22.  Shelby

23.  JD

24.  Oden

25.  Lexi

26.  Zoey

27.  Twinkie

28.  Sophia

29.  Libby

30.  Angus

31.  Maya + Leya

32.  Crash

33.  Bree

34.  Peter

Note:  To ensure fairness in the contest, two comments per IP address will be counted as votes. Contest prize is contingent upon an already completed print order. Only one contest can be won per client.

  • Becky Serpe - #14 – Vinny Piccini!! My newphew 🙂

  • michelle - ooooh #23, the kitty of course! (i voted for clifford last

  • Laura B - When you showed me image #1 in NY I fell in love … when I first started scrolling down I was sure it would be my pick … BUT Bruce Lee stole my heart. He is looking at you in a way that is unbelievable … I think he is saying to you “April, you seem like a reasonable dog loving chick, can you talk to my peeps about the tie … PLEASE?” My vote is for #10 Bruce Lee (omg the name) all the way!

  • Angela - 1. Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella

    There’s just too much cuteness crammed into one shot!

  • Hannah - So great set of photos, love those lovers behind, number 17 is just so sweet! 😉

  • Christina - #1!!! But they are all great! I love this post. Thanks for sharing!

  • Leah Garlan - #1 of course. it’s the best pet photo I’ve ever seen and i’m lucky enough to spend each day with those doggies!

  • Concetta - All of your images are just great! It sure is hard to choose a favorite, I will have to go with #1. What a great year!

  • Tina - #10 Bruce Lee is definitely my pick! As if that picture isn’t cute enough, the name just fits him! Who would have thought a pup looks so cute in a tie….looove it!

  • Gillian Ottaway - Definitely #1! fabulous shot of all those pups 🙂

  • Bev Gwozdz - #1 is my Number One. The expression on their faces contains enough positive energy to light up a city. Great job!

  • Kati - #1 – To be able to get that many faces all to look at you at once and for the owner to have that big of a heart for all those babies…they deserve a little something extra!

  • Jean Curry - I love the pic of Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie and of course Stella. I vote for this as the best pic of 2010

  • Kara - Number 1 or 31!

  • Carol - Although all of the pics were soooo adorable, my vote is for #1. How did you get all of them to sit for the photo??

  • debbie hoyes - i vote for #1.Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella

    love your photography!

  • KatieCotton - No. 1 – such adorable expressions!

  • Denise - Every single picture is absolutely awesome. You do such an amazing job of capturing their personalities. But…I have to vote for my little love bug, #2 Stella!! I swear, she poses for the camera!

  • Lori Brunk - I love Picture number 1. all the pictures are very cute, how ever Number one is by far the cutest I have ever seen! Getting them all together like that, and the looks on all their faces! OMG, it is perfect!

  • Bernadette - I vote for #1. My absolute favorite.

  • Tatiana - #2… Stella is a beauty 🙂

    But all of your photography is nothing short of amazing.

  • Janice MacKenzie - I vote for #1 – Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, and Stella – but all of the photos were great!

  • Jenny Salisbury - #22 – Shelby is the best!!

  • stephanie - I vote for #30 Angus!

  • Stephanie - This was a really tough one. But after much deliberation I’m going to have to say #1.Simon, Bubba, Willow, Stella & Maddie. Loved your series with those guys!

  • Mark de Guzman - 14. Vinny
    just look at the pretty little face and that cute “tie”

  • Lesley - if #1 wasn’t in this list it would be a very hard choice. #1 is one of the best pet photos I have ever seen! my runner up would be #15 Cole

  • joe - My pick is Shelby #22

  • Nicole - #2 Stella is my vote! Her smile steals it : )

  • Tiffany - #33 of course 🙂

  • Deb - All the dogs are adorable. There is no getting around that one. The animals their cuteness and/or beauty are undeniable. In my humble opinion the best PHOTOS come down to the following:
    1/5/10/16/18/23. Ok well they are all good but they are my favorites and I haven’t decided yet. It takes some time. This is my first day back at work, so I will get back to ya 🙂

  • pam seplow - Lulu Belle totally takes the prize

  • Kara - #4 – that bully butt has my vote and my heart.

  • Cathie Randall - LOVE them all, but HAVE to vote for #1

  • Kara - Whoops! #3 not #4! Bentley has my vote!!

  • Dennis - #3 Bentley Nothing cuter than the puppy butt of a bullmation.

  • Georgie - #33-Bree is adorable!!! My vote is for her!

  • Lynne Mohr - Number 1, the group of dogs, is definitely the best!

  • Leslie - #11 Jackson for sure!

  • Jen Diefenderfer - By far, #11 – Jackson!

  • Andrea @ Run, Eat, Date, Sleep - #11 gets my vote!

  • Jon - #33 all the way

  • Christine - Aww I love Twinkie!! Reminds me of Harley 🙂
    But #1 is my favorite! I love the group shot.
    Love you!

  • Rose - I vote for #11 Jackson!

  • Chris - #33 gets my vote!

  • Jackson - #11 Vote for Jackson!

  • Scott - #11 is the best!

  • Kelly - Love Jackson! #11!!

  • Margaret Mary Brinkley - Without a doubt, #11 Jackson. Look at those eyes!

  • Becky - Jackson – #11 – is just adorable!

  • pamela - #12 – that shot of Daisy is cute, how’d you manage to get her to stay still long enough to take a picture?

  • JAck - #11 jackson is the best!

  • Michele - Jackson is so handsome!


  • lexi - #1 Its the best pet image I have seen all year!

  • Lora - #11 Jackson! He is so cute and fluffy!!!

  • Dina Stevens - Ok, I’m biased, but she is my DIVA! #5 April (and by the way, she’s Roxi, not Lulu….)

  • Derek - I vote for #33 Bree because she reminds me of my old dog

  • Katie - #11 Jackson!! He is my vote for the best dog

  • Collin - #11 – Jackson is the best looking.

  • Jacqui M - Number 11 – Jackson – Soooo stinkin cute!!!

  • Patricia King - #11 Jackson, I like the way he’s looking at the photographer in a non-chalant way.

  • Matt - #11 Jackson is the best

  • caitlin - #11! he is too cute.

  • Amanda Bouque - I vote for Jackson #11!

  • Melissa - #11 Jackson is so cute!

  • Ash Bear - No question in my mind that Jackson #11 is the best looking pet here! His owner is pretty fun too 🙂

  • peggy - best is simon bubba willow matty and stella
    to get five dogs to poise at one time is remarkable

  • Sarah - #3 Bentley – He’s got my vote! gotta love a bully butt 🙂

  • Katy - Voting for #11! So cute! 🙂

  • Heidi Taylor - I vote for #11 Jackson, please!!!!

  • Lacey - my vote is #11- jackson!

  • Allison - #25/Lexi. She is the BEST!!

  • Esther Kishbaugh - I vote for Dr. Leah’s Pets Picture to be Number One!

  • Emily Malone - #11 – Jackson!!

  • Jessica - #25 Lexi is my favorite!!!

  • katie - #11 is my vote!

  • Rick - Tougher than Miss America but I have to go with Cole #15 – handsome, happy,and love that left ear sticking out.

  • Michelle - Must cast a vote for the adorable #3 Bentley 🙂

  • Bobbi McCormick - I love J! #11. Hes so cute 🙂

  • Katy - Ohhhh so tough!

    But I vote for #11, Jackson.

  • kathleen - Jackson is the cutest! #11 wins my vote!

  • peggy - no 1 looks like it should be in a magazine

  • kelly - I vote for #11 couldn’t be any cuter!!!!! Love this pic!

  • KT - I vote for #25. so sweet.

  • joe - number 1 nice photo
    barn doors enhance picture

  • Kendra - #2 – STELLA!! What a cutie!

  • VeggieGirl - #11 – Jackson. Absolutely stunning.

  • Libby Allen - Photo #1 of
    Simon Bubba Willow,Maddie,Stella
    Speaks to Me!!
    Great Photo.

  • Julie - #11!! He is the cutest!

  • Rae - #2 Stella is the cutest…and by far my favorite picture!

  • Libby Allen - Photo #1 Simon Bubba Willow,Maddie,Stella

  • Rae - #2 Stella is the cutest…and by far my favorite picture!

  • beth - i love #3, bentley. love those wrinkles!

  • Danielle Burr - #9 my daughter Bella!!!!

  • Harrold - #3 Bentley is my favorite! That picture rocks!

  • Alex T. - I vote for #11- Jackson!!

  • Stacey Wyble - The first picture of Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella just amazes me for so many reasons. It’s such a stunning picture with vibrant colors and a unique setting. I can’t beleive all of the dogs stayed in the positions long enough for the picture. They all look so cute and I just absolutely love this picture. Very unique, different, and full of fun!

  • Lys ~ Cooking In Stilettos - So many great photos, but I’m totally adoring the photo of #11 – Jackson.

  • Taryn - While there are alot of nice pet photos in your favorites, IMO nothing even comes close to #1 ! That one is an amazing, amazing photograph! I remember seeing it when you first posted it and my jaw dropped! You should be entering that in every contest out there!

  • Melissa - #7 Thor, my little man has my vote of course : )

  • Reed - Your #1 is awesome and is my pick (Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella). All are really enjoyable to look at.

  • Megan - #2 Stella!! Adorable!

  • K. Julius - Love #1!..Don’t know how you got all those dogs to stay still for that picture!

  • Deb - Since I am at the end of my work day; I have come back to cast my final vote. Though#16 Sweets looks just like my sweetie Miss Maggie Moo (so that wouldn’t be fair, I am prejudice) and I think #1 is a complex (must have been) and amazing shot. I have to cast my vote for #5, Roxie. Just an all around beautiful photo: the subject, the focus, the lighting/the snow. Beautiful work!!

  • Suzanne - I’m biased, but I have to vote for Libby, #29. She’s just waiting for someone to play ball with her!

  • Ellen - Definitely # 11 Jackson, such a cute face!!

  • kate turpin - i love the picture of bentley!!!

  • Taryn - #28, my little Sophia!!

  • Margaret Christ - #2 – Stella, of course. I may be a little prejudiced since she is my great grand-dog.

  • KJP - #17 the little man Kiefer.

  • Nan Stone - Number fourteen, Vinnie, gets my vote

  • Doug - #33 doesn’t get any better than her

  • Bette - #33! She is so talented! She can even touch her tongue to her nose 🙂

  • Stephanie Piccini - I vote for my cute little boy, Vinny (#14)! But all of the pups are so adorable!

  • Patricia O'Neal - I vote for #11 – Jackson – he’s a real heart breaker!

  • olive - #33, she is adorable !!!

  • travis - #2 stella even though she is the most spoiled dog in the world

  • Doug Senne - I want #33 Bree…..nothing beats a Westie for cuteness!!

  • Jessica Albertini - So many cute faces, but # 31 Maya and Leya has my vote!

  • Betty Peterson - I vote for # 12 Daisy.

  • Diana - Bailey votes for his great nephew Kiefer….
    he’s just the cutest!

  • Sarah - I vote for number 25..Lexi:)

  • Buddha-khan - I heart Lexi #25!

  • chris n - My vote is for Bree, #33! Gotta love a little Westie!

  • Angus's Dad - Of course I have to vote for Angus #30!

  • Holly - Lexi #25 is ADORABLE!

  • Joan McVaugh - I vote for #22 Shelby – she is adorable!

  • craig - We’ve seen all the rest, don’t mess with the best. It’s #15, Cole, by a landslide. 80 lbs. of twisted steel sex appeal.

  • Patti Gotwals - I loved #2 Stella!

  • Allyson - I vote for #15 Cole!! What a beautiful dog!

  • Darcy Funkhouser - #15 Cole. Oh but aren’t they all so photogenic?!

  • Beverly J Paul - #33 nothing is cuter than a westie

  • joe - I vote for #15. Cole is awesome.

  • Cindy E. - #1! Simon, Bubba, Willow… etc I lost count! The multitude of them is just precious!

  • milt misogianes - #15 Cole looks pretty sporty to me…

  • Lisa - We vote for picture #25, Lexi

  • Hayley - #1~Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella
    Such an adorable pic. Amazing how all the doggies are standing in the doorway like that. 🙂

  • Suzie Wolfinger - I would like to vote for Dr. Leah Garland’s “group” picture. what a cute bunch.

  • Laura Sanchez - #32
    Crash is adorable. A HUGE face that is so expressive and just saying, “Love me and kiss me, and I will love you and kiss you.”

  • Mike - I vote for Jackson

  • Zoe - Gotta love #3 Bentley’s butt!!

  • JoAnn Pendley - I vote for #14, Vinny

  • Brenda - I vote for Jackson. #11, what a cutie!

  • Erika - #2 Stella!! So cute!! 🙂

  • christine - My vote goes for #13 Chewy!

  • barb - I vote for Chewy #13! Definitely my favorite.

  • christine - My vote is for Chewy #13! =)

  • Marjorie Castro - Jackson #11 gets my vote….MC

  • Becky - Gotta love #33, Bree is so cute

  • Mike McDermott - #11 – Jackson has the most personality of the the dogs I have know. High five Jackson.

  • Tracy Swank - #15 looks like a much thinner version of my happy neurotic dog Coco. Love this picture.

  • Jenn Klein - I vote for Vinny!

  • Danielle Boland - Number 1# doggies are the best, HANDS DOWN!!

  • michelle - definitely #1 Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella

  • Carla Shaeffer - #9 for sure too cute

  • Nicole - Oden is too adorable!

  • Sandi - Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella – unbelievable shot!

  • Suzy - #25 – Lexi is soooo cute!

  • carolyn - Your photography is beautiful, all of the pictures are great…but #11 Jackson is my fav.

  • Kim Walters - #2–Stella has my vote–she looks as though she thinks she should be the only one in the picture!!! All the dogs are beautifyl–you must have the patience of a St.—to have the animals pose for you.

  • Ruby's Mom - #25 Lexi — What a beautiful lab — you can just tell from the picture how much she’s loved and how much she loves her family back!

  • Emily - Number 34, Peter

  • Claudia Clemons - APRIL ~

    These are fantastic! Now I know why you come highly recommended! My vote for the contest is #25, LEXI!

    Claudia Clemons

  • Tracey - My vote is for #1, just look at all of them…..too cute

  • Karen - Photo #1 of Bubba, Simon, Maddie, Willow and Stella is absolutely the best! They are all good but that one is outstanding!!

  • D Kelly - Bree, of course! #33

  • Kelli - #18 for Kayla girl!

  • Angus & Robyn - #30 all the way!!! Love, Angus’s Mom 🙂

  • Judy - I love Cole #15

  • Catherine - I vote for #11 Jackson!

  • Mike - #1 Bubba’s Clan is the best. Vote #1 all the way

  • Kristi - I love #1. They are the cutest ever!!!!

  • Jett - #1 Dr. Leah’s Dogs are the best!

  • Heather - I vote for #11 – JACKSON! such a cutie!

  • Maria Gradwell - I just wanted to comment on your BEAUTIFUL work. I hope to have the pleasure of working with you one day. You have a great eye!

    I also have to pick my favorite doggies, Maya and Leya! Although I do love the group shot, Bentley’s cute little butt, Angus the meaty bulldog and of course my favorite breed…..Shelby the French Bulldog……I do have to pick my neices.

    Love you Jess and Jason!

  • Maria Gradwell - I just can’t to get my French Bulldog puppy so I can have fabulous pictures like these. Your pictures truly say a thousand words! I would like to vote for Mya & Leya, #31.

  • Doe Tisone - No. 11 Jackson! Awesome doggie pics!

  • Allie - #11 Jackson is absolutely adorable and he gets my vote.

  • Kristyn McKinnon - 31. Maya and Leya

  • Kristyn McKinnon - I pick 31. Maya and Leya

  • Cheri Field - I vote for Jackson! He is tooooo cute! Awesome photo!

  • William Gilpin - #14 Vinny is my Vote for #1

  • Nira - I like # 23 best

  • Elizabeth - Voto por el # 11 JACKSON ganará…

  • timothy - #11 !!!!!

    Love that little guy~

  • Brian - #11 Jackson, He’s a real boy!!!

  • Doug - I vote #33 Westie’s are the best!

  • Laura Holcombe - #11 Jackson. Adorable!

  • Cate - my vote goes to Vinny, #14

  • Patti Menke - I vote for #11, Jackson, so cute!

  • Chrissy - I LOVE #1…took my breath away!

  • Joan - #1 is AH-MAZING!
    Very memorable image.
    Looks like a greeting card, and would make a GREAT canvas!

  • Brittani - Holy gorgeousness! Going to have to go with the first one…absolutely adorable and so fun!

  • joe - all are great but number 1 is by far the most outstanding

  • Lauren Morgan - I vote for #15, Cole! Such a handsome dog!!

  • emily millard - STELLA!! my vote is for stella, the cutest doggy in the world!

  • Thomas Albertini - I vote for # 31 Maya & Leya

  • Kelly - Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella = adorable!

  • Rose Anna - I love the pictures I vote #31 Maya & Leya

  • Aileen Cordaro - Jackson (Leslie and Charles)

  • Jennifer Powis - Of course I vote for my lil grand puppy, Sophia. #28

  • amy - LEXI is the cutest dog. Her personality really comes through in this photo.

  • Cate - I vote for Vinny #8

  • Steph izzo - I vote for Jackson number 11!

  • Jes (Self Motivation) - My vote is for #11!!! So cute!

  • Melissa - Oh my! They are all sooooo adorable. I think they should ALL win! If I haaaaave to pick just one, I vote for #1. How they managed to all stay in place for that picture amazes me!

  • Patti Gotwals - #2 Stella girl gets my vote, she’s the best dog in the world! But then again what Grandmom wouldn’t say that?

  • Debbie Hill - My vote has to be for #2 Stella, she’s so darn cute!

  • Barbara - #2 Stella is just too cute she looks like she’s smiling

  • greg - # 11 gets my vote

  • kristi - 10 – Bruce Lee! Love the tie!

  • Ro - i think i voted on FB ~ but i love number 2 STELLA

  • Debra Alexander - #11 Jackson is so cute! What an adorable face! He oozes with love!

  • Cynthia (It All Changes) - #11 Jackson is just so sweet. He has such a beautiful expression.

  • mandy C - Number 11 Jackson!

  • Heather M. - #11! They are all precious though!

  • Nicole M - I would like to vote for #11 Jackson he just looks so

  • Lauren - I pick 11…he looks so loveable!

  • natalie - adrienne + josh 🙂

  • Gwen - They are all great but #11 Jackson is super precious 🙂

  • Lori - I vote for #1 ~ simply adorable!!! You have the attention
    of all 5 dogs! And their expressions are priceless!!! I LUV

  • Allison - JACKSON ALL THE WAY!!!!!! #11!

  • arif demirel - no 28 – Sophia of course!

  • Kelly Anne - I’m voting for #11, Jackson!

  • Brooke - #11 – Jackson! How adorable! 🙂

  • Charlotte Dreibelbis - #2 Is our absolute favorite. Stella is adorable and her
    expressions just implore you to love her!

  • Andrew Duddy - I vote for number 30 Angus! The big, beautiful

  • Katie - #11 – Jackson! Adorable face!

  • Jody - #11 (Jackson) gets my vote

  • Anna @ History Running Girl - I vote for number 11 Jackson!

  • Megan - #11: Jackson!

    All of the pictures are so cute!

  • Christine - I vote for #1!!

  • Krista - My vote is for Jackson #11!!

  • Cellabella - I vote for #11 Jackson!!

  • Janis - I vote for #30 Angus, what a handsome face!

  • Marisa @ Mind Over Booty - Gotta give the love to #11 Jackson for Leslie!

  • Amanda - My vote is for #11 – Jackson!

  • Clare @ Fitting It All In - I vote for #11, Jackson! Cute little thing!

  • mama B - I vote for #11 Jackson! So cute 🙂

  • ShootingStarsMag - I vote for 11, Jackson!!

  • Alaina - Jackson! He’s so presh!

  • BK - vote for #30, Angus….Good Luck

  • Alyssa Chatten - I vote for #11 – Jackson!

  • crystal - most def #11 JACKSON!! gets my vote! 🙂

  • Sara @ Running In Pink Project - #11! Jackson is precious!!! <3

  • Wren Ingram - #32 CRASH! He is so adorable…the biggest love 🙂

  • Suzy Lucine - 1. Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella I vote for this
    incredible photo. The composition is tops, and the expression you
    captured in each dog’s eyes is wonderful. I know how hard it is to
    photograph animals, especially when you are working with a group.
    This is an incredible work of art! And one that the owner loves
    because you captured such emotion in all the dogs.

  • Mandy Lawrence - I love them all! I would like to vote for Jackson

  • Stacie Dahlin - My vote is for #11 ~ Jackson He is adorable!!!!

  • Jeffrey A. K. - I vote for #1 — Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella
    Great way to frame the photo, and great subjects.

  • barb fabiani - Lexi is beautiful I vote for #25

  • Christy Palmerio - #33!! Love Bree!!

  • Carolyn C. - #11; Jackson is so cute!!

  • vicky - My vote is for Jackson #11!

  • Tanya - My vote goes to #11 Jackson

  • Joanne - My vote for handsome Cole, #15…he’s such a

  • amanda - my vote is for Jackson, #11 – too cute

  • Anita Johnson - I am voting for #10 Kristi & Doug.

  • Anita Johnson - My vote goes to #10 my beautiful daughter and future son in law.

  • Bekah - 11, Jackson is my vote

  • Alison Grosch - I vote for Angus!
    He is my cuddly, slobbery, so lovable, doggy nephew!

  • Crystal - I love Jackson (#11). He has that look like he’s totally over being photographed!

  • Julia - I vote for #14 Vinny. 🙂

  • Kate - #11 all the way! Jackson is the best!

  • Natalie - # 31 Maya and Leya

  • Jared - Vote goes to #14 Vinny

  • megan - #11 – jackson.. what a cutie!

  • Sara - I vote #2!!!!!!

  • Amber - #2 is ADORABLE!

  • Steve - I love the one of Stella (#2)

  • Sandy - #1 is my favorite!

  • Amanda - The first one is unbelievable!!

  • Emily - Love love love #1

  • Andrew - The first shot of the 5 dogs is the best

  • Christina - I vote for #1!!!!

  • Amanda D. - I came over because I was asked to vote for Jackson, and as adorable as he is – and really, they all are – #1 is just an amazing shot and I hope it gets the gallery mount!

  • Debbie - I vote for 1… Love it!

  • Donna Schaeffer - Voting for #1!!!

  • Summer - My fave is #1. That photo of 5 dogs deserves to win!

  • Bob - Definitely #1!!!

  • Peggy - I love # 1 – All of the different breeds of animals are happily co-existing in their world.

  • The Delps - #1 is Adorable!! Love it!

  • Rosemary - I looked at all the photos and my choice is # 1 with all the
    dogs peeking out of door

  • Angela - #1 is amazing!!!

  • Justin - #1… all the way!!!

  • Rachel - My vote is for the first photo!!

  • Tracy - #1 gets my vote!!

  • Tracy - Number 28 rocks!!

  • Kate - Peter is so sweet

  • Stacey Farrell - #1 is adorable, although they look a little mischievous! I’m wondering what they’re hiding behind that door.

  • Anne - I vote for Peter – such a sweet boy!

  • Brenda - #1 is fantastic!

  • Brenda H - #1 is a great photo. They all look so happy.

  • Jean - I have to vote for #1 cause they are so cute, although all your pet pictures are great!!

  • Ralph - I love #1 – Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella

    What a family…

  • Candice - Totally voting #1!

  • Melissa - Love that first photo. It’s magazine-worthy!

  • Nicole smith - Voting for photo #1!

  • Leigh bass - My favorite photo is #1!

  • Randy - My vote is for number 1!

  • Marie buscaglia - Def voting for #1. So cute!

  • Brittany - #1 deserves to win!

  • Sam - Count my vote for #1

  • Jen - The photo of all 5 dogs is incredible. How did you get such a shot?

  • Anne - #5 Roxi (what a princess!)

  • Lynne - My vote is for #1!

  • Chris - Another vote for Dr. Leah’s dogs, #1.

  • Chris - #1 is by far the best

  • Ben - I like #1 – Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, & Stella

  • DEBRA HORSTMANN - #1 by far the best picture.
    How could someone have 5 dogs pose so beautifully?!
    And a vast variety of large & small seem so in Love with each other!
    Go #1

  • Brianna karcher - The first photo is my choice!

  • Angie - Definitely voting for #1!

  • Christa - I have to choose 1, its the best!

  • tom Horn - #1 Danny has the cutest pic

  • Kris - Voting for #11 Jackson!

  • Rob - #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Erica - I vote for 1. Impressive!!

  • Celeste - I choose #1 as the best photo

  • Mary - #2 Stelllllllllllllaaaaaa!!!!

  • Tim J. - I vote for the first photo

  • Hannah - The photo of the 5 dogs is one of the best I’ve

  • Susan - #1 for sure! Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie and

  • Sarah Lajevardi - #1 for sure! Any pet photographer knows how difficult it is
    to shoot multiple dogs. AMAZING!!

  • Mel - #1 Awww, love those 2 corgis!

  • betty - # 1 too cute!

  • Danielle - I vote for #11 – Jackson!

  • Renee: Chona - They are all so cute but #1 is my favortie 🙂

  • Jason Saienga - I choose #31 – Maya and Leya

  • allison - My vote is for #1!

  • andrea - The first shot is my favorite…

  • sara - I have to say, the first one shows a lot of talent. Amazing!

  • rebecca - Gotta choose #1… it’s simply the best!

  • marybeth - My vote is for the first photo

  • Ashley Pozza - 33 Bree too cute gets my vote

  • kate schmidt - #1 gets my vote!

  • monica - #1 should definitely win!

  • dana - I’m voting for the first photo of the 5 dogs

  • michael beyer - #1. for sure…

  • tania - Number one is incredible!

  • tricia - Simon, Bubba, Willow, Maddie, + Stella. What a sweet shot!

  • brenda - I vote for #2. STELLA!

  • carrie - I choose #1. The 5 dogs peeking out the barn door.

  • danielle - #1 gets my vote, for sure!

Hi… My name is April, and I’m a book addict. A self-proclaimed bookworm. For as long as I remember, I’ve loved books. When I was a kid, I read all.the.time. Constantly. And though our house was often loud and chaotic, I found solitude with a book in an empty bathtub or in a small space between two pine trees in our backyard. During the hecticness of this past year, reading has been put on the backburner. Working two fulltime jobs took it’s toll. When you’re hitting the pillow at 1am after a long day of working, the last thing you want to do is read. I used to be a proofreader in the corporate world, which sounds like a perfect fit for someone who loves to read… but this someone who loves to read does not willingly pick up financial reports and information about retirement plans. After a full day of reading about the exciting world of 401(k)s, my eyes began to protest. During the six years of reading for work, my desire to read for pleasure waned. And though my reading screeched to a halt, my purchasing of books did not. I have an undying love for Borders bookstores, an wishlist that is constantly growing, and a secret desire to seek out a new home in a town solely for it’s a remarkable public library. So, as you can imagine, my ‘to-read’ pile has grown and grown during this past year. It’s become a little more like a mountain, than a pile. A mountain that I am now chipping away at… Slowly. And happily.

It should be noted that this photo was taken before Christmas. So while the holiday break allowed me to knock four books off the pile, Santa brought me four more new books to take their places. Book mountain remains.

If you’re a fellow book lover, check out And friend me to share in this little addiction…

  • Becky - Oh, I hear you on this evil habit! I actually work at B&N full time in addition to my biz. I’ve got a serious pile of books with one chapter read, and an ever growing list of want-to-reads. I dream of running away with my dog and my books (maybe my hubs) and hiding until I’m all caught up. 🙂

  • Tina - Me too! I just got a ton of new books for Christmas, I can’t wait to dive in:)

  • Kristi - Love the #1 Pic with all the pooches in the barn doors. Beautiful!

  • Judy - I LOVE Cole #15

  • Pat Mott - Dr. Leah’s dogs rock!!! All of them are adorable – my vote for #! !!!!!!!!

  • susan amato - I’m voting for #23 Katie and Pat!!! What a lovely couple!!

  • randi - who the hell is that couple in those chairs #3 all the way

  • Heather - # 3 is the best!

  • Erin Curatu - Adrienne & Josh have my vote – all the way!

  • Randi H. - # 3 love
    # 3 love
    # 3 love

  • Tracy Mossbrook - I would like to vote for #3

One of the things that I love most about photography is that I am constantly learning. Pushing myself. Challenging myself. One of the ways that I do this is by learning from other photographers whose work I admire. Last month I was able to attend Cliff Mautner’s Lighting Bootcamp in New Jersey, right across the bridge from Philadelphia. AMAZING. My brain is still on overload from all the information. We covered so much information that I’m struggling to think of a way to even summarize it. A new friend and fellow workshop attendee, Tammy, wrote up a wonderful review. One of the things that I loved most is that it forced me out of my comfort zone… which is truly the only way to learn. Below are a few of my favorite images, taken when we ventured out to Washington Square and Eastern State Penitentiary

  • Tina - BEAUTIFUL – seriously amazing images, I love them all! Crossing my fingers I can make it to his workshop in 2011….

  • Emily - April, your images are always so creamy & sharp… love that! These are beautiful. Happy New Year, friend!!

  • maryann gilpin - i vote for vinny #14

  • Farah - I vote for Erin & John!!!

  • Zach Curley - Hello, I would like to vote for Erin and John as the best

  • Amanda Clemens - Anne & Dave #26!!!

  • Laura Mackie - #30, Angus, Robyn & Glen!

  • Doug - I vote for #28, Tiff and Chris….a fantastic picture!

  • rebecca h - #6 Megan and Anthony

  • Jen Praediger - I love the picture of Erin & John

  • Bryan McGann - 20. Jenni and Matt

1. What was the number one item on your Christmas wishlist?

Just Dance 2. I cannot dance for the life of me but that doesn’t stop me from trying.
2. Did you get the number one item on your Christmas wishlist?

Oh yeah! My whole family was subjected to a Just Dance battle on Christmas day.
3. How long has it been since you’ve had a pedicure?

I don’t even remember. It’s been that long. Sad, isn’t it?
4. How cold is it in your city today?

COLD!! And snowy. It’s 26 degrees right now.
5. How many pillows do you sleep with?

Just one.
6. Can you roll your tongue?

7. Do you always buy the same mascara or do you try new ones each tube?

I buy whatever catches my eye in the store. No specific kind.
8. What’s your favorite cookbook?

Ha. That’s a joke. I don’t cook. Someone gifted us the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook so that’s what I’ll use when I’m feeling adventurous enough to cook.
9. What was your first pet?

My first pet of my very own was a black lab pup named Tessie. She was such a good dog and lived to be 14 years old. I have fond memories of dressing her in costumes, having her pull us through the snow in a sled during the winter, and taking her swimming in the creek during the summer.
10. Do you wear jewelry on a daily basis?

The only things that I wear every day and NEVER take off are my wedding + engagement rings. I have such a fear of losing them that they never leave my finger.

  • becky - i want to vote for couple 19

  • Aaron - I vote for 3. Adrienne and Josh

  • Gloglix - my vote is for best couple is #3 Josh and Adrienne all your
    photos are beautifully creative!

  • kellie - I vote for number 7 Good luck Danielle & Dieter..

  • Jane - #19 Jen and Tom A beautiful picture!

  • Jennifer - #10 kristi and doug!!!!!

  • Lilli - #10 kristi and doug!!!!!

  • KMD - I vote for #26.

  • KMD - There was error in my submission. I”m trying to vote for #26. Anne and Dave.

  • Tia - Jess and Rich <3

  • Tia - I vote for Jessica and Rich, all of the photos are beauiful though

  • Akiyo Asano - I would vote for “Jen and Tom”.

  • Desiree Aaron - I vote for Katie and Pat!! Love the pic!

  • Jen Praediger - I vote for Erin & John!!!

  • Maureen Jawor - I like # 3, Adrienne & Josh, so sweet and sincere! Love at it’s best.

  • P. Lipperini - #26
    I like the grass in the forefront…nice effect

  • heather tackitt - 27 and 31 Jason and jessica.. maya and leya

  • Kirk tackitt - i vote for jessia and jason. 27 and maya and leya 31

  • Sana and Zach - Sana and Zach, you are a great couple. Wishing you all the
    best! Blessings and Smiles, Cheryll Anne & Family

  • Jean Reeh - I vote for #1. The picture of the dogs looking out the barn door is precious. A great shot!!!

  • Alen - I would like to vote for engagement photo No. 23 — Katie and Pat. Great photo!

  • Amelie - I vote for #28!

You may remember Jason + Nicole’s stunning wedding on the beach in Aruba. It was nothing short of amazing and as a destination bride myself, I was honored to be there to capture their day. And when they returned, they celebrated with all their friends and family in Philadelphia. But before the party began, we got some photos of them in Old City, Philadelphia in their wedding gear. We started at Second Bank, and then made a quick and windy stop on Broad Street. Because even though Aruba is where they were married, Philadelphia is their home. Where they met, where they fell in love, where they bought and remodeled a home, where they welcomed an irresistibly lovable bulldog puppy, where they’re starting a family…

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  • Emily - Such beautiful work, April… I love that they wanted more photos in their hometown.

  • AmandaD - Her dress is gorgeous! I love all the pics in old city. Hope you had a wonderful holidays =)


  • mary hoyes - The first picture is just fabulous, how did you get all those dogs to pose?? Looks like it’s in a barn door…. I love it.

  • gloria krebs - i vote for dr. leah’s dogs!!!!

  • devin - i love #2 miss stella!!!!!! i place my vote for her 🙂

  • gloria - i would like to let you know that lexi, number 25 is an awsome little girl as are the others but lexi sticks out because of her amazing personality!!!!!!!!!!! she brightens your day and she never carews what mood you are in, she loves you all the time

  • Georgeanne - What fabulous pictures! You are an amazing talent, April!
    My vote goes for that fabulous example of canine superiority and doggone gorgeousness, #15 – Cole. What a guy . . . what a dog . . . what a country!!

  • Julie Ann Allender - I vote for Dr Leah, #1

  • Eric - I like Cole #15 – An all american dog. Great pictures overall.

  • Megan @ AVeryMegGirl - I vote for Jackson Number 11!!

  • Sue Fisher - I vote for #14 Vinny