At this time last year, we were packing our bags to fly to Florida and spend our Christmas in Sarasota. It was a wonderful adventure, we haven’t ever been away from home over Christmas. And while we missed sharing the holiday with our family, we were comforted by waking up in our adorable, beachy hotel and wandering the Spanish-influenced town of Sarasota, sans winter coats, on Christmas day. We traveled to Florida to shoot the wedding of Kristi + Alex on the day after Christmas at the South Florida Museum. It was such a beautifully unique wedding… the ceremony and reception were held in a Spanish courtyard in the center of the museum, surrounded on one side by a Spanish mission style chapel and on the other side… a manatee tank! I thought I’d post some images, to reminisce about how we spent our holiday season last year…

Congratulations, and happy anniversary {in a few days!} Kristi + Alex! And a HUGE thank you to Stephanie… my friend and fellow pet/wedding photographer… for coming and shooting with me. Some of her fab images are included above!

  • Susan Berman - This is such a fresh take on an original wedding! Gorgeous – I love them all. That cake one with the manatee in the background is priceless. Looks like it was a beautiful wedding!

  • AmandaD - I love Sarasota (my BFF who is now is philly lived there for a few years) and we made many visits. Beautiful wedding!

How is Christmas only 3 days away already? I will be out of the office until January 3rd… enjoying some quality holiday time with my husband, family, and best pups in the world. There will be much rest, laughter-filled meals, coffee, evenings by the fire, attempting to protect the presents from a very anxious gift-loving Boston Terrier, reading, relaxing, and recuperating from this crazy amazing year. Wishing you a lovely holiday season!!

  • Christy - Happy Holidays, April!

  • AmandaD - Merry merry christmas to you & your pack! Enjoy your holidays & stay warm 🙂

  • Emily - Merry Christmas!!!

1. Do you do any volunteer work?

I have volunteered at the PSPCA to do their Petfinder photos of dogs that need homes. As things got busier, I wasn’t able to keep up with that but hope to begin again in the near future. I also volunteer to photograph events for several different rescues. I love volunteering, but hate not being able to take home all the pups!

2. Do you have night and/or morning ritual?

Nope, no rituals. Such is a benefit of being self-employed.

3. Would you rather exercise or diet? Why?

Exercise. I cannot diet… I have too little self-control.

4. If you would rather exercise, do you prefer going to a gym or working out at home?

Working out at home. My lovely husband has even hung a TV in front of my treadmill in an attempt to motivate me. I do miss the weight machines at the gym, but love the convenience of having some machines right in our basement.

5. What do you think is a huge waste of time?

Junk TV. But I love it too much to stop.

6. What is one way you save time?

I can multi-task like nobody’s business.

7. What is your current obsession?

Netflix! I love the fact that you can watch tv series and movies instantly… I set up my iPad next to my computer and work away. I watched an entire season of 24 in one day.

8. What is a current obsession you can’t wait to pass?

If you love something enough to be obsessed with it, why would you want it to pass?

9. Are you currently reading a book? If so, what book? Would you recommend it?

I’m reading “A Year in the World” by Frances Mayes. She also wrote “Under the Tuscan Sun.” It’s an ok book. I love traveling so was expecting to love it, but it’s been rather anticlimactic. It’s interesting, but just never really hooked me. I think “Under the Tuscan Sun” would be a much easier read. I’ll soon be posting some photos of my ‘to-read’ list/pile/mountain of books.

10. Since we had the 90s question last week, what’s your favorite songs from 00′s?

Nothing pops into my mind right now, I’ll update if I think of something. I’m sure it won’t compare to Sir Mix-A-Lot.

  • Emilee - I definitely understand the Netflix obsession, April! I’m working my way through Psych right now. Love that show!

Tonight was a sad night. My family had to say goodbye to our dog of 16 years, Harley. We got him as a wee little pup and he had the misfortune of being named in the middle of my Dad’s mid-life crisis:  Harley David Son. Yes, he was named after my Dad’s motorcycle. Wow. 16 years. It’s a good, long life for a dog. But at the same time seems too short. And though he lived for quite some time without sight, hearing, and most of his teeth… It was time to say goodbye. Rest in peace, Harley… I hope you’re in a happy place where your old joints don’t hurt, you can see and hear clearly, and you no longer have to gum your food…

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  • Becky Serpe - awww….my thoughts are with your family April! Harley was such a sweetie.

  • marcia - very sorry to hear about harley, april. what a handsome dude he was. all the best to you and your family.

  • Amanda - I’m so sorry for your loss, April! Harley looks like he was a happy dog and I’m sure he had a wonderful 16 years with you and your family. ::hugs::

  • Bev - April,
    My sympathy to you and your family. Harley clearly had a spectacular life.

  • Shauna (Fido & Wino) - My heart goes out to you and your family- take care.

  • Angus & Robyn - April,

    I’m so sorry to hear about Harley. Angus is sending bully kisses your way.


  • Nancy - I’m so sorry to hear about Harley – my thoughts are with you and your family.

  • Meredith Perdue - April, I am so sorry. It sounds like Harley was loved & cared for extremely well during his 16 years. I’ll be thinking about you guys!

  • Angie Wojciechowska - Never easy to say good bye, my deepest sympathy to you and the family.
    So sorry for your loss..

  • Emilee - I’m so sorry, April. He looked like such a sweet old man, and he obviously lived a long, full life. Rest in peace, Harley.