I commend couples that are willing to do wintertime sessions. Who are willing to shed their winter coats, gloves, and scarves and snuggle together while we shoot… smiling like it’s really NOT 35 degrees. Anne + Dave were troopers and we had a blast despite the cold. We’ll just think of their chilly December engagement session as a warm-up for their February wedding…

  • johnwaire - schweet CAP 🙂 really like that 3rd shot…

1. What is your favorite kind of cheese?

I love, love, love cheese. Seriously love it. Although I would never complain about goat cheese or fresh mozzarella, my most favorite is Manchego. Yes, I’m partial to Spanish cheeses. Amada, a tapas restaurant in Philadelphia, has a cheese selection that is amazing. They pair aged manchego with truffled lavendar honey… Oh.my.god. It’s unbelievably delicious. Who would have thought that cheese and honey would be good together? Genius.

2. Do you prefer fudge with or without nuts?

Without. If I have no choice, I’ll pick the nuts out.

3. How do you feel about cats?

I love cats… particularly cats that are friendly and like to cuddle. Our cat is rather skittish and prefers to be alone than to have anything to do with me.

4. Meg Ryan or Julia Roberts?

I wouldn’t say that I have strong feelings about either… I suppose I’d choose Julia since she gave us the masterpiece of Pretty Woman.

5. Do you wear a watch?

Only when I shoot weddings. Otherwise I rely on my phone for time.

6. What are a few of your favorite songs from the 90′s?

My all-time favorite is Baby Got Back… which, according to Wiki was recorded in 1991. Don’t judge. You know you smile and shake what your momma gave you when it comes on too…

7. Do you like scented candles?

Sure. We usually stick to neutral scents like vanilla. Kev loves pumpkin spice candles in the fall.

8. What do you like on your hamburger?

CHEESE! Lettuce, tomato, mayo.

9. How often do you cut your fingernails?

I don’t. They break far before they’re long enough to need to be cut.

10. Do you sleep in socks?

Yes! Even with flannel sheets and a bed warmer, these feet get cold!

Hard to believe that he’s 11 years old. Harder to believe that he has stage 4 cancer. Peter’s parents had me over a few days ago to capture Peter in all his spunky goodness. We ran, and played, and caught treats, and chased sticks for almost 2 hours. He has more energy than most puppies, and a playful spirit to match. And he is so loved.

  • AmandaD - STUNING! I have such a soft spot for Weims 🙂

  • Isabel - Such a handsome pooch!

  • Josephine - April,
    Wow! You captured our boy, Petey in this shot and the image of him comes alive.

    Danny and I were so happy with the session with Pete this past Monday. We cannot wait for the gallery of photos.

    You have made 2 proud parents smile even brighter,
    Thanks for sharing so quickly…

  • Christine - Awww I want this dog!! So cute!
    P.S. you rock 🙂
    Love you!

  • ashley folkema - Gorgeous shot! And what a special time.

  • Emily - Oh what a sweet, good looking pup! So glad you were able to capture his life. 🙂

1. Where are you from? Have you lived there your whole life?

The hubs and I live in Schwenksville, just minutes from Spring Mount. We’ve been here for three years and love the area. We’re close enough to everything, but far enough away to not be in an area that’s too busy. The Perkiomen trail runs right by our house… perfect for biking, running, or taking the girls for a walk. As much as I sometimes wish that we were closer to the city, I love our little house. We both grew up in Souderton, only 25 minutes from where we now live.

2. How would you classify your clothing style?

Comfortable! Comfort is my primary concern in clothing choices… I’m a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl.

3. What kind of car do you drive?

A red Nissan Altima

4. What would your dream home look like if you could have it (or already do!)?

I love our home, but some things that I wish we had are:

A fenced in yard so the girls could run and play to their hearts’ content.

A bigger bedroom that would fit a king-size bed… Me, a 6’4 husband, and two bed-hogging dogs make our bed reeeeeeallly cramped.

A jacuzzi tub.

5. Do you have kids, and if so, how many and how old were you when you had them?

Nope. Only dogs.

6. What is your favorite hobby?

I feel like I should say photography, but now it is more a job than a hobby. I love, love, love reading. I could spend all afternoon lost in a good book. Now I just need a free afternoon to do so.

7. Are you going to have any New Year’s resolutions for 2011?

I don’t like New Year’s resolutions. No one ever sticks to them. I like looking back over the past year, taking in the good, and thinking about how I can change the not-so-good for the future.

8. What is something, if anything, that you’d want to change about yourself?

Oh gosh. This is a hard question. I wish that I was more organized so that I don’t drive my husband so crazy.

9. What is something that you love about yourself?

I love that I’m very passionate about what I do. It makes my heart happy.

10. Pick one of the following: Someone to cook for you, someone to do your laundry, or someone to do your dishes.

Well, I guess I’m lucky since I  have someone that does all three. If I had to choose one, I’d choose someone to cook for me. I’m just not good at cooking and don’t enjoy it in the least. I can handle the laundry and the dishwasher can handle the dishes.

  • MicheleLouise - I didn’t know you lived in Schwenksville, that is where my best friend from college lives. Small world! Oh and I loved your session the other day from up here in Bethlehem!

Tiffany + Chris’ engagement session involved a rose garden, a super cute Westie pup, and an amazing view of downtown Bethlehem. Yep, I love everything about that…


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  • Li Ward - Love that first shot! You have such a great eye.

  • Stephanie - First shot…..ROCKS!!!

  • Emily - Your work is always so beautiful, April. Their pup is adorable, and I really love the first image.

  • ashley folkema - Totally in LOVE with the first shot!

  • Tiffany - They look great April!

    I think Bree is pretty excited about being famous 🙂