Suzanne contacted me to set up a session for her parent’s Brittany Spaniel named Libby. Libby is a spunky little pup and within seconds of us meeting she decided that I would be her new best friend. Good news for me because apparently she either LOVES people or HATES them. I have a feeling that the bag full of dog treats and enticing squeaky toy may have contributed to me being on the LOVE side of things…

  • Emily - Oh how I love brittany spaniels (I grew up with one)… Libby is so pretty!

  • kristen holly - Eeek! Way too cute! I love the doggie sessions, and I love that he loved YOU! The first shot is amazing! I love the perspective and depth!

Visiting a winery in November for some vineyard shots might have been a bad move.

Shooting at Peddler’s Village on a 70 degree day in November might have been a bad move.

Scheduling the engagement session of two Penn State grads during a Penn State vs. Ohio State game might have been a bad move.

Regardless… Jill + Joel rocked it. And I loved their session…

Hello, fabulous bling…

  • Jill - Ah they look great, April! Thanks so much – we had fun!
    P.S. we should have stayed with you longer…turns out Joel is bad luck for Penn State haha.

  • Emily - beautiful beautiful, April…

1. What is your favorite breakfast pastry?

Donuts. Any donuts but fruit-filled. Specifically, a glazed donut with chocolate stripes and vanilla filling from WaWa. Best donut ever.
2. Were you ever in a Thanksgiving or Christmas play?

Not that I remember.

3. What is your favorite clothing accessory?

What is considered a clothing accessory?
4. What is your favorite item of clothing?

My boots. I love them and they’re comfy enough to wear anywhere. And I do…
5. What is your favorite color and why?

Red. It’s a happy color.
6. What is your favorite type of Christmas cookie?

Chocolate chip… best right out of the oven when the chocolate is still warm and gooey…
7. What is your favorite scent (food, perfume/lotion)

My favorite perfume is Vera Wang Princess. It’s what I wore on our wedding day and reminds me of that day when I wear it. My favorite food scent is coffee… Love the smell of coffee in the morning. I was never a coffee drinker before I met my husband. The smell of coffee in the morning drew me in… ๐Ÿ™‚
8. What is your favorite household cleaner?

You should know better than to ask me this question… This is a question for the husband…
9. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? And what did you actually grow up to be?

I wanted to be so many different things. But I grew up to be a photographer.
10. What is the last song or album you bought?

“Something More” by Sugarland. I’ve adopted it as my theme song.

Robyn + Glen love Angus. LOVE. He’s one of the most important parts of their life together. So naturally we started their engagement session with a little Angus time…

Then we headed to Princeton University to explore their beautiful campus…

LOVE. Completely love.

  • Angus & Robyn - I can’t stop looking at the pictures April. Can’t wait for the wedding pictures!

  • Nancy - Love these! They look so happy! I especially like the 5th one in front of the old building!

It’s a new week… Go get it!

Happy Monday!

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  • Christy - Haha ๐Ÿ˜€ What a great pic! love it. ๐Ÿ™‚