In 5th grade, we had a graduation party at school for all the kids moving on to the middle school. There were games and entertainment, including a caricaturist. We all know that a caricature exaggerates the identifiable characteristics of a person. I’ve found that often times they turn out to be insulting, particularly for those that are sensitive about their image, as one would expect most pre-teens to be. So probably not the best choice for this particular event, in my opinion, but who am I to say? All that I know is that I ended up with a mile-long forehead and consequently a new hairstyle before the next school year that included bangs. To this day I do not wear my hair without what I like to refer to as my “comfort bangs”. Thanks for the complex, Mr. Caricaturist.
Kev ended up with ears that were strikingly similar to Dumbo. Kev was lucky, in that he eventually grew into his ears. Chloe, on the other hand… well, you take a look…
judy - What a beautiful tribute to your dad!
Christy - I agree. What a beautiful tribute! ::BIG HUGS::
Rachel - ok now that you have the “water works” department working.. i love looking at the pictures old & new, they are all great!