
April Ziegler is a Montgomery County newborn photographer, who specializes in Montgomery County newborn photography and baby photography. To book your Montgomery County newborn session, click HERE or contact:

  • Lisa Stone - Absolutely beautiful

Wow. Just wow. I’m so impressed with the response for this contest. I received 67 entries. 67! It was really insightful to see which images you chose as your favorite and read about why you love that particular moment. Your e-mails made me smile, laugh, and tear up. So, thank you. Thank you for the all very sweet words and for sharing and for choosing me to capture some of the most important times in your lives.

Below are all of the entries. To vote, simply comment below and mention which image is your favorite. Voting will close on January 19 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be announced on January 20, 2015. The winner will receive a 16 x 20 canvas of an image of their choice AND a $100 April Ziegler Photography gift certificate to be used towards a future session. The winner will then choose 2 additional entries below to each receive a $100 gift certificate.

Fine Print:  To ensure fairness in the contest, only one comment per person and two comments per IP address will be counted as votes.

Good luck to everyone who has entered!



1. Megan + Diesel

The first image is from my maternity session on October 25, 2014.  The reason this image is my favorite is because it showcases the love that I have for both my baby girl growing inside of me and my dog, Diesel, my first baby.  It also shows the love that Diesel has for me and the sweet connection we have.  During my pregnancy, people would say that the love I would feel for my child would far surpass the love I had for Diesel.  I always knew deep down that that would never be.


2. Katelyn + Diesel

The second image is from my baby girl, Katelyn’s, newborn session on December 10, 2014, when she was just 10 days old.  This picture depicts the true essence of the word love and the equality of the feeling that I have for both Katelyn and Diesel.  For all of those people that said I could never love my dog as much as I do my child, well, you sure were wrong!  Their innocence and vulnerability could not make me love them any differently.



3. Nicole + Tim + pups



4. Alex + Adam

So of course I can’t help but LOVE this picture you took of us in Cape May on October 22, 2011. This sunset and background are the exact reason we chose the beach to get married. This picture also stands out to me because it was the end of October and yet the sky looked like this! It was a picture perfect 70 degree day. I love how we are quietly connecting with each other without it being “in your face.” Remarkable photo!!



5. Nicole + Jason (engagement)

Our engagement session where Millie is wearing the T-shirt & we are in the background. It asked me to marry Daddy aka Jason! It was captured such a special time in our lives, the beginning of our everything. It just summed us up perfectly where we were in our lives.



6. Nicole + Jason (Aruba wedding)

So this is our favorite pic form our wedding. i don’t know, there is just such a contentment in our eyes. I just feel like we were right where we needed to be. Plus i just love the darkness everywhere around us, and then we are both just with white. Surprisingly because I was torn between a lot of our wedding with us smiling…. but this just WOWS me.



7. Nicole + Jason (Philadelphia reception)

This one is just a fun one from our reception at home! Loved these signs, the green in the background. I guess as I’m thinking about it, I must be a sucker for eyes because I adore that that is all you see, but yet you can imagine our smiles behind the signs.



8. Rocco + Nicole

Oh and the best for last! Me and my chubby angel baby. I just love the connection I feel when i look at this. I can remember the feeling of overwhelming LOVE! This picture makes you realize the love between a baby & mother…. it was so cool that you captured this. I mean just to think that 1 week earlier he was in my belly is mind blowing. I have to say April you hit it out of the park again with this session. Ugh i just LOVE this one!!!



9.  Leah’s 5 pups

What can i say about this picture that isn’t captured the second you look at it?

 I love this picture for so many reasons.

 #1 because its of all my doggies!
#2  I’ve never seen another animal photo that captured 5 dogs with the expressions they have and positioning.
#3.  The colors are amazing and their eyes crystal clear.
#4.  Animals are so difficult to shoot because they move so quickly, Your technical skills to be able to capture this moment in a split second should win many more awards than just the April Ziegler photo contest, but since this picture is so good, it deserves to win that one too 🙂
#5.  Because you know you have a the best photo when people all over the internet steal it, put words all over it and repost on social media!



10. Kara + Johnny (engagement)



11. Kara + Johnny (wedding)



12. Jess + Rich (engagement)

I can’t believe this photo was taken almost 5 years ago! I can still remember everything about that day, even that it was almost 90 degrees. I chose this picture because when I look at it I can still feel the chemistry between us. You really captured the love, friendship, and some steaminess. Plus it doesn’t hurt that this is my favorite picture of me ever, you made me feel like a million bucks!



13. Jess + Rich (wedding)

This picture from our wedding is our favorite. This photo was taken before the ceremony, right after our “first look”. I can still feel the butterflies in my stomach when I look at it. Everything about this photo is awesome. Plus the fact that you had us climbing through greenhouses to get the shot makes it even more great! The lighting, the way were looking at each other, Rich in uniform; I love it all!!



14. Jackson (newborn)

This was an easy pick for me. This photo of the three of us from Jackson’s newborn session means a lot to us. My pregnancy and delivery with Jackson were really difficult. Plus add the fact that he was in the NICU after he was born it made for a really stressful couple of days. Something in this picture that you took says to me that everything is going to be ok. It is our first family photo so it will always be special. I don’t know how you caught such a perfect shot of a newborn smile, but I love it!!



15. Jackson (6 months)

I really enjoyed going to Longwood Gardens for this session. Such a beautiful place and good idea for a photo shoot when it’s the middle of winter. My favorite shot from Jackson’s 6 month session goes to one of the first of the day. You totally captured the happy, goofy, and chubby Jackson in this picture. I really love the colors of this photo and the setting of this picture.



16. Jackson (1 year)

This picture of Jackson is amazing. His little smirk, his beautiful blue eyes; you really capture it. He’s still our little baby in this picture, but you can tell he’s right on the verge of becoming a toddler.  The colors in this photo are great, I love the red of the barn behind Jackson. Thank you for getting such a perfect picture of our little boy!



17. Clifford

This picture is from my first photo session with you.  Now that Clifford is gone, this picture holds a lot of sentimental value for me.  He was our first baby and we miss him so much!



18. Dax

This picture is from our last session with Dax. I love the expression on his little face in this picture. I can almost hear him laughing.




19. Diane + Greg (and Hazel!)

We’re going to have to go with this one– it’s our favorite and Hazel looks so damn cute.



20. Teri + Josh (engagement)

My engagement photos I absolutely adore. The way that you make my eyes pop out such a beautiful color. I usually don’t like pictures at all where I don’t smile but the way you made my eyes pop out of this picture makes it beautiful!



21. Teri + Josh (wedding)

And as for my wedding I loved the placement of the pictures taken on the bridge. It makes such such a beautiful wedding photo and you make all the details pop out.



22. Sepp + Abby

This is my favorite picture of my granddaughter Abby cuddling her new half brother Sepp. Although Abby has several half siblings on her mom’s side, Abby had Daddy all to herself for 10 years. I was worried she wouldn’t accept Sepp but this pic shows I need not have worried. So thankful you captured this beautiful moment, April!



23. Dina + Dave

I remember vividly the moment at which this was taken – this was during the best man’s speech, and he told a joke that almost made me fall over laughing. I love this photo because it shows such spontaneous, happy emotion, during one of my favorite moments of the wedding. The best man, Mark, is one of my husband’s oldest and best friends, and his speech was simultaneously genuine and hilarious – my only regret from that day is that Mark’s speech wasn’t recorded!
We definitely opted for a non-traditional wedding. We toasted with craft beer from my husband’s company instead of champagne (as seen in this photo!) and it definitely looked more like a big party than a wedding (except for the dress, of course). We were on a pretty strict budget since we paid for it ourselves and I had just graduated from school with a mountain of debt – but looking back now, we wouldn’t do it any other way. We didn’t have pretty floral decorations or color-coordinated napkins, but friends still tell us how much fun they had at the wedding. Thanks so much for being our photographer and capturing this moment!



24. Leslie + Charles

I love this photo because it captures exactly what I wanted for my wedding. To me this is The Shot & the reason I wanted my wedding at Greystone. April captured the ambiance and the location perfectly. And it’s my favorite photo hanging on my wall to date.



25. Stephanie + Jose + pups

We love it because it captures our fur-kids personalities and expressions so perfectly!



26. Wilhelmina

There are so many great pics to chose from, but this is one of our favorite.



27. Erika + JJ + Bailey

This is our favorite photo because we believe it really captures the love we have for each other as well as our precious little girl, Bailey. She is the lights in our lives!



28. Matty + Lorenz + Dietrich (2013)FAVES028


29. Matty + Lorenz + Dietrich (2011)FAVES029


30. The Gross Family (2013)



31. Matty + Lorenz + Dietrich ( 2014)FAVES031


32. Toby

We love this picture of Toby because it completely represents his personality. A happy, loving dog that is always right by your side. It also captures his eyes beautifully.



33. Michelle + Samantha

So very hard to choose as all my images are cherished. I have a few near and dear and this is one of them. It’s a moment captured, not staged and so meaningful for many reasons.

Samantha was a rescue and a very challenging one. She lost her owner and landed in rescue broken and scared with little chance to be adopted at age 11.  This photo was of us years after she was rescued.  Many feared her mostly because they did not understand her. Our bond was in no way instant, but once we did bond it was solid. Three years and 8 months with her and this image means so much, and describes our relationship perfectly!!



34. CalebFAVES034


35. Jewels

If there’s anything that Jewels is known for outside of her goofy personality, it’s her epic underbite, and you’ve captured it perfectly here. I love the artistry–the gray space and placement of the subject in the upper corner of it and as she gets older, and her teeth get a little brown (hey, it happens to the best of us,) it’s nice to remember her pearly whites of yesteryear.



36. Monica + Kyle (engagement)

Our first ever photo session with April. She really set the bar high with this session, capturing sooooo many great shots of Kyle and I. I love the lighting and editing on this one. This picture really captures a moment full of love and adoration, it makes me smile.



37. Monica + Kyle (maternity)

It is so hard to pick just one from this session but I adore this one because of the connection April captured between Kyle and I. Pregnancy and the whole experience really strengthened our relationship and this picture sort of sums it up.



38. Jordanna (newborn)

I have way too many favorites from this one however the smirk on her face in this picture will always pull at my heart strings. I love the lighting and the color combinations too.



39. Jordanna (1 year)

This picture is one of my favorites from this session. I love how the bridge drawls your eye right to Jordanna and I.



40. Jordanna – (cake smash)

I love her expression in this picture. She almost looks as though she is going to be in trouble for making such a mess even though she had decided to rub her hands all over her hair at the time.



41. Cortney + Alex

As you know id like to submit this image as my favorite! It’s been such a great year and you’ve captured the best parts! I think this one has best chance in competition but if I could id submit them all!!

Also this one we were kinda tired and you were so patient to work with us to capture a special moment. It was a great pic to kick off our reception and marriage!



42. The Matrician Family

Although it was hard to choose because I love them all, I chose this photo because it truly captures our personality as a family.  We have moments like this multiple times a day.  I love that you captured an expression on Alivia’s face that shows her hearty laugh.  I can hear it each time I look at this photo and it makes me smile.  Thank you again for capturing this photo and all of our family photos.  I cannot wait until we can meet up again for another session.



43. Joan + Michael

April asked us if there were any spots in particular that we wanted to take a picture at Longwood Gardens. Michael said he would really like to take a picture by the lily pads. Luckily, the lily pads were still out and looked gorgeous. I was concerned because of the rain and my hair frizzing up. Thank goodness April had an umbrella we could borrow. We ventured out and found the spot. In that moment I remember feeling as if the world had stopped around us. It was just Michael and I under the umbrella and nothing else in the world mattered. I am so glad that this picture captured this feeling. I especially love how it turned out in black and white.



44. Trisha + Aaron

The first prego pic is my fave from the shoot because it’s such a great pic of Aaron and I plus the baby bump. Everything about it is perfect….the lighting, the setting and you can just see the love. I feel like you captured how happy we were at that moment! I love the way we are standing and how Aaron is holding me and the “bump.” It brings tears to my eyes.



45. Ella

The pic of baby Ella is absolutely beautiful. You captured just how pretty my little girl is. Ahhhh those eyelashes and pretty little lips. It’s stunning! I really miss her being that tiny. The rug was perfect (almost looks like feathers) and just love the link pink wrap she is in. This should be in a magazine! My absolute favorite!!!



46. Owen

When I saw your request for a favorite, this one of Owen immediately came to mind. The personality that is coming through in the photo is perfectly Owen at age 3. I can’t look at it and not smile. Such a little stinker.



47. The Peck Family

This family shot is my favorite because 1) it’s my cute little family with everyone looking 🙂 2) Even though he’s 4, I’m still holding my youngest baby who is looking so sweet and 3) the setting is so interesting. I specifically love the B&W of this shot because of all the interesting lines in the setting, it just looks really cool!



48. The Leichter Family

I feel like it captures the qualities I love most about our family: love for our son, love for each other, and our silliness.



49. Nathaniel

Hercules first brought me companionship, Royer taught Eric and I selflessness, and Nathaniel has brought us more joy than we could have imagined. I adore the look on Nathaniel’s face “these are my brothers??”!!



50.  Tara + Larry

This is my favorite photo you took of my family. The reasons it’s my favorite can’t be seen…the story must be known to appreciate its significance. In Oct of 2012 my beloved dog Tugger suddenly passed away. Heartbroken I swore I would never own another dog as I couldn’t bear a loss like that again. After weeks I decided to pay it forward and rescue another dog. Many inquiries turned out too late as the dogs I was interested in had already been adopted. I sat back assuming it wasn’t my time and thought the right dog will find me at the right time. And he did, Larry arrived just when he was supposed to. Found abandoned in VA running on railroad tracks, caught by animal control he was sent to a kill shelter. From there he was rescued and transported to PA by a rescue group in Media.
To me this picture shows my love and gratitude to him for opening my heart, helping me heal and paying it forward. And when I look at his face here my heart feels and sees his love and gratitude for the life and unconditional love we have given and feel for him everyday.



51.  Owen

We love all of the photos that you took of Owen. This is my favorite because it incorporates our handsome son with my passion for soccer.



52. Maggie

Maggie, a 13 year old weimaraner, was a smart, goofy, 95 pound lap-dog, who followed me wherever I went. Maggie passed away in August of 2014 and this photograph perfectly captures her quirky charm.
Thank you April for capturing this and so many other beautiful moments!



53. Charlie

I love it because it captures her smile the best and shows her silly side that is full of energy! How can you hold back the giggles when you look at this one?



54. Becky + Grady

When I married Becky in June 2012, I was certain that no future day would ever match the amount of pure joy and happiness that comes with officially being united with your best friend. Nearly two years later, my beautiful wife proved my initial thought wrong as we welcomed our son Grady into the world. Every time I look at this picture, the unconditional love that I have for my wife and my son consumes me all over again and I am reminded of how truly blessed I am to have such a wonderful new family.



55. Adrienne + Josh

This is my favorite photo because it captured a real, candid moment that perfectly conveys how much fun Josh and I have together and how he makes me laugh.



56. The McGarvey Family (2013)

Emilia’s face in this photo!



57. Emilia (cake smash)

This is my favorite picture! Everything about it is perfect!



58. Emilia (1 year)

I will always cherish this photo because it’s the first time Emilia stood by herself 🙂



59. The McGarvey Family (2014)

Just everything 🙂



60. Kristin + Peter (wedding)

Our Wedding on 8-10-12 : My husband isn’t a man of many words and generally keeps his emotions inside. In this image, his face is beaming, and I have no doubt about how deeply he loves me. It’s written all over the way he’s looking at me.



61. Kristin + Peter + pups

This is the first time we’ve ever had our entire family in one portrait. It’s one thing to have a beautiful image of just me and my husband, but including our girls makes it a family.



62. Kristin + Brian

We adore the light, the love, and the ever present curiosity of our puggle, Riley!



63. Christina + RyanFAVES063



64. Jack

This from Jack’s first birthday session. He was so proud of myself to be standing in the field, and I love the flowers, natural setting and lighting!



65. Madeline + Jack

This captures the rarely seen pure love of brother and sister.  Their expressions are just perfect.



66. Megan + Andy

Andy and I rarely have a picture together, and I love this one.  The lighting is so beautiful.



67. Sam

This from Sam’s newborn session.  He just looks so perfect in it, how could I not choose it?!




  • jOAN mILLER - I vote for number 43!

  • Michael - i vote for # 43!

  • Jen reevEs - Number 43!!! Great photo!!!

  • Justine - #42 🙂

  • julie hughes - I vote for 43

  • Dana irons - I vote for #43!

  • Concetta - So hard to choose! I like #8 and #41 the best!

  • Catherine - #54- Becky and grady. Stunning!

  • Sally welk - I vote fOr number 43! Beautiful picture Joan!

  • Jan - I vote for #43.

  • Jeremy - I vote for #42.

  • Maria - I vote for 43! Beautiful pictures!

  • Zoe - Well, clearly I’m voting for 35 but I seriously love them all.

  • CinDy kadel - I vote for #45. I remember seeing this picture of ella on the baby announcements and THINKING IT’S the most beautiful baby photo i’ve evr seen.

  • becky - #54… our little (big) boy is 7 months old now and i still stare at him and take him in with the same love and awe. i can think of this picture during my days at work and a huge smile spreads on my face. there is no better feeling than my baby in my arms (and hubby close by). thank you for this and so many more wonderful pictures, april. you make the world a brighter place for sure. (:

  • MicHelle - 42!!

  • Kim nicholls - i vote for #42 The matricians. This photo does capture their family spirit just like The DesCription says!

  • Dana - #45! I just love Ella in this picture. It totally captures how such a beautiful perfect little Baby she is!

  • Heather yenser - #42 Cute familY!

  • Judy - “42”

  • Candy - I vote for #42.

  • Kathy - #54 Beautiful baby and beautiful mom

  • tony - #42 is amazing photo

  • Tammy - 53 of course!

  • Jodie penn - I Vote fOr #33

  • Margaret - 57

  • Jeff - 57

  • Ashley - 58!!

  • Stephanie - So cute 57!

  • Kaitlin - #57

  • Lauren - 57

  • Lori mcilhenny - #57

  • Beth Leach - #57

  • jarret leach - #57

  • Julie - #57

  • alyssa - #57!

  • Bud - I vote for #1!!!!!

  • CandI - 57

  • Megan - #1

  • Josh McGarvey - 57

  • Coleen - I vote for #48!

  • Mary hake - I vote for my handsome GRANDSON caleb #34

  • Tina hutton - #48

  • Sarah - 57!!

  • Jeff mcgarvey - Number 57 !

  • Leah McCutcheon - #33 Michelle and Samantha Jane!

  • Jim - #1

  • Jessica enck - my adorable nephew dax #18! 🙂

  • Rochele Roberts - I gotta go with #1.

  • Linda - Beautiful Photos! My vote is for #61. Thanks!

  • Stephanie kachel - #57!!!!!!!

  • Emily - #57

  • TYler - i vote for #42

  • MC - Vote for #48!

  • Marie - #48!

  • Nea - Vote for #48 🙂

  • Lacey - love #57!

  • Lauren - I vote for #1!

  • Aaron - I vote foR # 45 baby ella,
    Never new how muCh you could really love something till we had her 🙂

  • Jeanine - i VOTE FOR number #48 – great picture!

  • Denise Raulli - #33. Love it!

  • Trisha - #45 love little miss ella

  • mesha - #48! So darling! 😀

  • Sarah sothern - i vote #54

  • Mary Beth - # 54

  • Colleen - #54!

  • Michelle Schaeffer - #45

  • gwen - #45 ELLA

  • stacy t - #48!

  • MIchelle Gundel - I love # 45….How beautiful is Ella

  • ANGELICA - i VOTE #58!

  • JEN - #18!

  • Carley - Baby Ella #45!!

  • Bonnie - 57

  • Tina - #57!

  • Stephanie - 48!

  • kate - #45-Ella
    she is a gorgeous baby!

  • Luci - #57

  • KRISTA - #45 Ella!


    tHANK yOU

  • cheryl - #18

  • Leah A. Wilson - I vote for #45.

  • Lisa - #45!!

  • Diane - #45 ella

  • marybeth - 54!!

  • lizzy - 54

  • ray mcgarvey - # 57

  • nicole - #33 is my vote. awesome picture

  • Monica Hopkins - 54!!!! love my sister and nephew!

  • Kate - ❤️57!!!!!!! Love that little girl!!! (58 too) Her family is Great too (56&59) birthday girl with that biggirl smile is my fav! ❤️

  • Ilona - Have to go with #2

  • Linda Miller - Love picture # 43!!! What a cute couple!

  • Doug - I VOTE FOR 43. Beautiful PICTURE!

  • nora - #45 baby ella

  • Linda stevenson - #2 Future best friends! Awesome picture!


  • Maria - #54 thes best folks we know

  • Lou Federici - I vote for #43

  • Alice federici - I vote for #43

  • Daniel pichinson - #43 is wonderful!!!!

  • Margo abramson - I love#54!

  • Britt - 54

  • Gretchen Monahan - #54

  • Donna - i VOTE FOR #43!

  • Joanna Sullivan - I vote for #43!!

  • Barbara Miller - I VOTE FOR #43

  • ron miller - I vote for 43

  • Bobo - 54 lgp

  • Rebecca - 49!

  • Nicholas Falcone - I wpuld like to vote for # 43

  • Mary grace - 54!!!

  • Maria - I vote for #43! The engagment pictures were beautiful and i cant wait tO see what april dOes for the wedding phOtos!!

  • JUan - I votw for #1

  • Adriana - #45 is my favorite!

  • Lorie Hearing - #9

  • Sandy federici - I vote for #43

  • Monica Gehman - #45

  • Adrienne Puco - Ella mae #45

  • Aunt Eileen - I vote for #43

  • Helece Erb - #45 Beautilful Ella

  • Nicole Kidd - #45 Great Photo

  • Annamaria Concannon - I VOTE FOR #43!

  • THOMAS Concannon - #43!

  • Cathy - 45 ella- so sweet

  • pat g - I vote for 43! Awesome composition!

  • Grandma - #43 Lovely!

  • Jai - I vote 42

  • Tracy arthur - #42

  • Sara W - #42

  • Roy C - 42

  • Kari edwards - 35!

  • mike heck - being a dog lover, it’s has to be #9. Leah’s 5 pups.

  • Jenn - #35

  • Adam b - #18

  • Diane - #19– Hazel!

  • Kari - #35

  • Liz - #35!

  • Jeni M - #42 is beautiful

  • Beth - 35!

  • Niccole - #35

  • Heather b - 35

  • Kristin - #35!

  • Sophie - 35. Jewels!!! Best pup ever!

  • kim - #35

  • shawna - #35

  • Desiree - #35

  • Catherine - 54!

  • Brie - 35!

  • Jennifer - #35

  • adam - 45

  • Renee Paciello - #45 Ella

    This picture represents to me the gentle reminder that God places those in our life when we need it the most. As he takes angels home, he gives us angels to love. <3

  • Michelle - I vote for #45

  • Renee - #45 for Ella with love Renee Salamone oXox

  • Renee H - I vote for #45

  • Clarissa - i vote #49

  • Jessie - #49 for sure!

  • Sandee - 49!

  • Jess - Voting for #49!

  • Jill - #54!

  • Alisha - #35

  • Sarah - jewels!! #35

  • Claire - i vote for #54
    Gorgeous shot!

  • Trish - 54

  • sam - 54

  • amy - 54 is beautiful!!

  • Taryn Jones - #35 🙂

  • sara - I love 54… what a sweet moment

  • andy - number 1!

  • rose - 54

  • julia - 54

  • mark - 54

  • andrea - 54

  • Nikki - I absolutely love 54.

  • Diana - 54!!!!!

  • Katie - 54. becky & grady!

  • drew - My vote goes to 54

  • kelly - number 1 is amazing!

  • frank - 54

  • Jackie Middleswarth - 35

  • kathryn dennis - 54

  • catherine murray - 54. so sweet.

  • scott - 54

  • Melissa simpson - I love love love 54

  • nancy - 54



  • MONIKA - 54

  • STEVEN T - 35!

  • JAMES P - 54

  • AMBER - 54! <3

  • Zach - love my sister ella mae #45!

  • Amy(miMi) - #45 my graNdaughter

  • Noreen Shanfelter - I vote for #35

  • CAITLYn - I love #9 but my official vote has to go to my niece #40 and HER adorable cake smash!

  • Sarah R - 52- love that pup shot!!

  • greg - 45!

  • Desiree haines - 57!

  • Dana - 45!

  • Joe - 54

  • ZACH - #35

  • Nicole - 57!

  • Mary noRman - 57

  • Rob quinn - 57

  • Lesley - wow April this was so hard! i had to narrow it down to a top 5. 9, 13, 14, 47 & 61. #9 is still one of my all time favorite photos ever but this time around I think i have to go with #14. that smile is just too precious!

  • Lisa - 45 ella

  • cIndY - 45!

  • erica - 54 is my choice! It was a hard one!

  • kara g - 54

  • Lynne mcvaugh - #9!!!!

  • keith - 54

  • lisa schmidt - I vote for 54!

  • andrea m - i love #1!

  • rebecca - 54

  • ryan walters - I’m voting for 35! classic bulldog shot!

  • Lynne mcvaugh - You do incredible dog photography. I cant Wait for you to photograph my dog. Oh yeah and kids too haha

  • Brian beatty - I voTe for #45. Soooo cute

  • DEBBIE - I love 54. Beautiful photo

  • emily - 54!!!

  • Jeanmarie Hi - #19

  • Deb - Vote #45 baby Ella

  • Jess - They are all gReat april, but im voting for # 14

  • Steph - 57

  • Chrissy - #57

  • Christina - #57

  • Beth wagner - #57

  • Marc wagner - #57

  • Colin - #54 !

  • Stephanie - 54!

  • alecia - #54 is so cute!

  • justin - 54

  • Jess - I have to vote for 54, it’s so sweet.

  • MICHELLE - #54

  • HOLLY - #35! lOVE jEWELS!

  • Denise - #35

  • Cassie - #35

  • Matt - 54

  • sawyer - 35!

  • rebecca - #35!

  • Adrienne Belt - 55

  • Dina HAndwerk - I vote for #33 – Michelle and Samantha

  • DoMiniqUe schooley - #33…such a beautiful moment

  • Tiffany snyder - 57

  • jacqueline trainor - 57 She is beautiful

  • BRITTANY Lane - 57

  • Heather y - 57, she is adorable!

  • Shane - 54

  • missy - 54 – too cute!

  • Mandy kulp - #54

  • Tricia - 35!

  • tina - I vote for 54

  • jason - 54

  • Heather - 57!! Love that face!

  • Lee - #49 Brothers!

  • BRian - 54, my beautiful family

  • alex - 54

  • STACY - I vote for #54

  • vanessa - #54!

  • marissa - Love #1!

  • pete - 54

A few years ago, I photographed their Gordon Setter, Dugan. And just last month I was thrilled to photograph their newest addition… their brand new baby boy, Declan.


Since Declan arrived only 2 days before Christmas, we couldn’t resist a photo to represent his very first Christmas…


April Ziegler is a Wynnewood newborn photographer, who specializes in Wynnewood newborn photography and baby photography. To book your Wynnewood newborn session, click HERE or contact:

  • Tl - 48!! So sweet!

Caitlyn + Andy are in the last few days until they meet their baby boy, so I wanted to share some favorites from their Blue Bell maternity session. And by “some favorites”, I mean MANY favorites. Because I couldn’t narrow them down. Especially since they brought their really cute puppy Hailey. Look below… you’ll understand…


April Ziegler is a Blue Bell maternity photographer, who specializes in Blue Bell maternity photography and baby photography. To book your Blue Bell maternity session, click HERE or contact:

Every year I do a ‘Best Of’ contest where I post my favorite image from each session that I photographed that particular year. And while I love looking back through all the sessions that I’ve done each year… this year, I want to do something different. Because my favorite photo isn’t always your favorite photo. I choose my favorites based mostly on the things that I see as a photographer… often technical aspects like beautiful lighting, unique composition, or a connection captured. But what really matters is what makes a photo YOUR favorite. It could be a favorite expression, an image that resonated with you, or a photo that means even more in retrospect than it did the moment it was captured. I want to see which photo is your favorite and why.

Since this is the first year that I’ve done this contest, I’m opening it up to ALL past April Ziegler Photography clients. To enter, simply e-mail your favorite photo(s) to and a short description about why it’s your favorite. You can enter one photo from each session/event that we’ve had together. Entries must be received by January 13, 2015. Entries will be shared and voting will open on January 14, 2015. The winner will be announced on January 20, 2015. The winner will receive a 16 x 20 canvas of an image of their choice AND a $100 gift certificate. The winner will then choose 2 additional entries to each receive a $100 gift certificate.

Thank you for making 2014 a lovely year. I look forward to seeing your entries!

E-mail entries and a description of why it’s your favorite to:



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