My heart hurt to hear of the passing of Winston Churchill (lovingly referred to as Church or Winnie). My friends and clients, Michelle and Greg, lost Church suddenly and unexpectedly on Thursday. I’ve known Michelle for years through her work with HeavenSent Bulldog Rescue, and I’ve been lucky to get to photograph her 5 times now (2 pet sessions, an engagement session, a wedding, and a commercial session for her wonderful business Uniquely Yours Pet Care). I’m constantly inspired by her selfless devotion to rescue and her own bulldog family. She is a beautiful person with a big, big heart. The way that she changed Church’s life is nothing short of amazing. The way that he transformed between when I saw him in 2009 and in 2011 is almost unbelieveable, heartwarming, and a true testament to the power of rescue. I want to share the story that Michelle wrote about how Church came into their lives. Below are Michelle’s words…


On December 19, 2008 I was rushing home on my lunch break when my phone rang. It was Kara telling me there was a dog at the shelter who was about to be euthanized. Unlike the person I have become, which I am not proud of at times, the person in 2008 said: “I am passing that exit now. I will grab him and we will figure it out after the holiday.” Not a waiver, not a thought, no questions about what the dog was like, who he liked, how he was with kids, cats, dogs, trees, wildlife… None of that. I went to save him!

Upon arriving at the shelter I was greeted by volunteers warning me of this dog, I didn’t waiver. They showed me his in take paperwork and described what was happening in the back. I was a bit nervous but as I read the paperwork and it said: “Does your dog bite?” And the answer was: “Only when you hit him.”

At that moment, I knew he deserved a chance. They brought him out to me and it was not love at first sight for Church. But we safely made it to my jeep. I opened the door and he jumped right in my passenger seat. As clear as day I recall touching him and promising, “it’s ok buddy, you are safe.” The plan was to take him home and begin the search after Christmas. If his birthday was accurate he turned 6 that very next day. It was quite a journey, 7 months to be exact that he spent separate from our pack. We eventually worked through those issues and I learned to never give up. Not a week, a month, a few months… 7 months before we broke ground. But on July 17, 2009- we never looked back. He became a member of our family, one of what we fondly refer to as the “core4” (George, Mick, Church, and Zoey). He was left with one big issue, the vet. We had been through 2 vets before meeting Dr Keefe. One of our prior vets told me I was “wasting my time.” Anyone who knows me knows that was just a challenge to be defeated. So for the last 5 years he was cared for by one of the most amazing and talented veterinarians I know. Who never once gave up on him but instead would say, “what’s our plan this time?” So grateful beyond words.

He came to be the wallflower of our group, always taking a step back and even allowing the ones who came after him to take a higher rank in the group. He just wanted to be loved, be the first to bed at night, to trip me as he darted for my car every chance he got. His best day was our trip to myrtle beach when he spent 12 hours in the car. He was my co pilot, George’s stunt double, he loved to chase the birds, and he loved his neighbors Bob and Nancy more than anything.

Rest soundly my sweet boy. You taught me so very much about patience and the power of love and forgiveness. My most profound gratitude is to the family who had him first. If I saw you today, I would say thank you. Thank you for giving up on your dog. Because he wasn’t your dog, he was mine. And although I would give anything to take away his pain, because of you he became mine. He was one of the loves of my life and my heart will never heal, but I will do it over again. For you Church- “I knew what I knew, and I knew it was you.” Always and forever our bed will be too empty.



  • greg - THANKS SO MUCH.

Cortney + Alex got married yesterday in New Hope on the most perfect of summer days… blue skies, an amazing veil, and the most lovely couple. Yes. It was a beautiful day…


April Ziegler is a New Hope wedding photographer and does engagement sessions in New Hope and surrounding areas. To book your New Hope wedding photos, click HERE or contact:

What lenses do you use?

I get asked this question often so I thought I’d write a little blog post about what I use and why I like each particular lens. To be clear, you don’t NEED any particular one of these lenses or all of these same lenses to get good photos. Lenses are a big personal preference and what works for me, might not work for you… and vice versa. I made the mistake when I first got started in photography of buying lenses just because photographers whose work I admired used them. That’s an expensive mistake to make.

What lens should I buy?

I’m a big proponent of “try before you buy”. There are websites like BorrowLenses, where you can rent lenses to try them out before you press the “buy” button. Take the time to learn your shooting style before investing big money in glass.

Let’s get this party started…

  • Canon 5d mkIII – I’ve been using this camera body for about two years now and I love it. I think the focusing is more reliable than the Canon 5d mkII and it handles higher ISO better. That’s not to say that the 5d mkII is a bad camera. I still have mine and use it as a 2nd body when I shoot weddings.
  • Canon 16-35mm 2.8L – My FAVORITE lens for shooting pets. It allows for full-body shots in small spaces and can be used to get fun fisheye type photos. I love me some distortion, for dog photos at least. I think this lens has been an essential part of defining my style. It’s also a good story-telling lens… you can capture an entire scene in one frame. I rarely use this for shooting people, as it’s just too wide for me… I’ll use it occasionally for a really wide shot and I do use it during weddings for shots of buildings and the full reception room.
  • Canon 35mm 1.4L – Probably my most used lens. I like to be close to my subjects to talk and interact with them. This lens allows me to do so with the crazy amount of distortion that you get from the 16-35mm. I got this lens largely for a personal reason as well. I found my 50mm to be too tight in many indoor situations so the 35mm gives me a little more space.
  • Canon 50mm 1.2L – It produces sharp images and yummy bokeh. Perfect for portraits of both humans and dogs. The focus is touchy on this, so I wouldn’t recommend it for beginners. I always recommend the 50mm 1.8 as a great starter lens.
  • Canon 85mm 1.2L – Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL portrait lens. To be honest, I don’t use this as often as I should. I think the 85mm just isn’t a favorite focal length for me. It’s also a little slow to lock in focus, so I very, very rarely try to use this with dogs.
  • Canon 100 2.8 macro… This lens is great for detailed, close-up photos. I play with it on flower shots and it’s awesome for ring shots. It’s great for newborn details… close up shots of those tiny little ears, fingers, toes, noses and lips. I also use it sometimes at dog sessions for detail shots like noses, paws, ears, and tails.
  • Canon 135 2.0L – I love this lens. A lot. The compression that you can get from it is amazing and it’s a lot lighter to carry around than the 70-200mm. I have just started using this recently and it’s become a staple in my camera bag.
  • Canon 70-200L 2.8 IS… This lens produces amazingly buttery images. I don’t use it near as much as I should, partly because of it’s size. It’s a beast. And I’m a wimp. Since it is a telephoto, you have to be quite far from the subject… and during my sessions I like to be up close… talking, laughing, and undoubtedly making goofy faces behind the lens.



I plan on answering questions regularly for this FAQ series on the blog, so if you have a question feel free to leave it in a comment below or email me at:

Jeff and Teresa have been friends of mine for years. So I was thrilled when they asked me to photograph their brand new baby, Owen. Nothing is more special than getting to document these times for friends. I also love that we were able to incorporate some things that were personal to them in the photos… including a blanket and hat that was handmade by Owen’s grandma, and some sports paraphernalia from a team that Jeff loves. Owen was only five days old during his newborn session and was completely and totally adorable…


April Ziegler is a maternity and newborn photographer in the Philadelphia area. To book your Philadelphia newborn session, click HERE or contact:

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