Back in 2010, I was looking for a local photographer to shoot a wedding with me when I came across Amanda’s website. When I saw her posts about her dog, Kira, I knew immediately that we’d be friends. Much like me, she LOVES her pups. LOVES. I’m thankful that that 2010 wedding brought her into my life because she has since become such a very good friend. We exchange emails or texts almost daily… and I love having a fellow photographer to bounce ideas off of and a good friend that will make me laugh when life gets a little crazy. Amanda recently photographed my own family (and did the most AMAZING job) and I shot Amanda, her husband Greg, and their two girls… Kira and Adele. It was a blast! There was a lot of running and splashing and cuddling and there may have been some creative pupperoni bribery and I loved all of it…

  • Amanda Young - In my seven years of dog ownership I don’t think I’ve captured even ONE shot of my girls that comes close to these. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. You are incredibly talented and it was *so* much fun to see you in action from the other side 🙂

    You are my HERO! We love every single one! xoxoxooxo.

Just a smiley corgi for your Monday morning…