I adore Great Danes. I love their lanky legs and expressive eyes. I love that despite their size, they are the most gentle and soft-hearted dogs. They have been at the top of my “Dog breeds that I want to shoot” list (yes, I have a list) for quite some time. And Thor has only made me love the breed even more…
Can you believe this pup is only 6 months old?? Even though he was so young, he was one of the most well-behaved dogs that I’ve ever shot. He completely rocked the session and so many of the images make my heart very happy. This was a commercial shoot so I had limited time and freedom with Thor, so I can only hope that his parents bring him back when he’s grown for another session.
And in case you’re wondering, he is indeed wearing a pink leash in this shot. The company representative convinced us that only real men wear pink. Looks like Thor can pull it off…

Li W. - WOW he’s striking and handsome, and has a huge presence for a mere puppy. His name is perfect.
Jess Kamm - Beautiful images, he’s so cute!
Emily Beaty - Wow I absolutely love these images!! What a good looking dog! I love the backlight & processing. Great job!!
Tish Mackay - the light is amazing in these pics! Great looking pup!
Mary - wow what an impressive presence he has! what a beautiful dog, his name is definitly appropriate. love his ears:)
ashley folkema - What an awesome statement these pictures make! Thor looks like a keeper 🙂
claire - oh my goodness april, these are fabulous, fabulous, fabulous. i love everything about them!
Nick - Haha kinda big for a pup 😀 I definately cannot wear a pink leash and pull it off =p
Allison - Three letters: W.O.W!! My jaw dropped!
Jay Herman - April, I’m a pet photographer in Austin, TX just starting out. I LUV your work! Love your vantage points, shallow depth of fields and overall feel of your shooting. Your baby photography is precious and I’m excited to see your updates…feel free to check my website out if you’d like, http://www.zoompetphotography.com .
Sonya - beautiful! love those stickie-outie ears!