I’ve always wanted a dog that loves riding in the car. A dog who is happiest when his head is out the car window, wind blowing through his fur. I ended up with quite the opposite. Chloe is terrified of the car. She doesn’t even like to walk near it. She trembles inside. It’s a sad, sad thing.
We were optimistic about Lucy’s reaction to car rides. After all, she is much less fearful than Chloe. Check her out below, on our way home from last weekend’s Super Pet Expo… just five minutes before she vomited all over the backseat. Just pretend you didn’t read that last part. Look at how CUTE she is…

ashley folkema - Most precious picture ever!
Sara - I LOVE LUCY!!!!! She is so precious!
Nancy - I love seeing pictures of her, she’s soo cute!
Allison - awe – love this photo, look at those sweet eyes! Too bad she got sick 🙁