I photographed Norah as a newborn (you can see her newborn session here: http://www.aprilziegler.com/ambler-newborn-photos-nora-10-days/ ) along with her pup, Macie. It was so fun to get to photograph these two again when Norah turned one. To see how much they’ve changed and to see how much their relationship has grown. Norah adores Macie. She didn’t have too many smiles for the camera, but she had ALL the smiles for Macie. It’s so sweet to see. Below are some favorites from Norah’s one year session and cake smash… But let’s start with a comparision photo of Norah + Macie when Norah was 10 days old vs. 1 year old!
April Ziegler is a Skippack photographer. She does photo sessions in Skippack, Pennsylvania, and the surrounding areas. To book your Skippack one year session or cake smash session, click HERE or contact: april@aprilziegler.com