{sneak peek} sadie :: a boston terrier

As you can imagine, I was pretty excited when I received an e-mail about a session with a 6 month old Boston Terrier. Sadie was just as cute as I expected. I can’t get enough of Bostons. Her eyes are remarkable… one blue, one brown…

Michael and Linsday are fabulous local photographers. It is the biggest compliment to get to photograph other photographers. They just celebrated their one year anniversary, so we had to give Sadie a break from the spotlight and get a few shots of the two of them as well. The best part about photographing photographers… they totally know how to WORK it for the camera!

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  • claire - i absolutely love all three of these images. faaaabulous!!!

  • jill - april your photography is AMAZING! the colors are unreal.

  • ashley folkema - Last image…..totally gorgeous!

  • alexa - Adorable! Love her eyes! And love the shot of them together. Beautiful!

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