It was a chilly Sunday morning, and I arrived at their house to find Twinkie curled up on a blanket on the couch. Despite being blind and deaf, he knew right away when Kim brought a treat from the kitchen and layed it on the arm of the sofa. He was excited when we headed out for a walk… confidant in his knowledge of the area, even without being able to see it. He lifted his nose into the air often, to take in the neighborhood smells. He had a few bumps along the way, but Kim kept him on the right track. And though he wandered a little in the park, he always found his way back to Kim, climbing up into her lap…

Amber - What a sweetie and a trooper! It’s amazing what one (human or canine) can accomplish despite the obstacles life may throw at us.
Angus & Robyn - awwww, what a sweet, sweet face!! i want to pick him up and snuggle.