There came a time when I started to see friends of my little sister out at bars… And each time it came with an initial shock and question of, “ohhhhh, what are they doing out drinking??” And then the realization would strike that my baby sister is indeed old enough to drink. How does that happen? When did she go and grow up?
That’s kind of the feeling that I had through this engagement session. You see… Monica is my bestest friend’s little sister. Our parents were friends in high school, I’ve known her since she was a baby. How could she be old enough to be getting married?? Not only getting married, but starting a family with a brand new Vizsla puppy that they named Swagger.
I love this couple. I loved this session. And I love this Swagger…

Tish Mackay - Your pics have such personality! love the session – cute couple and adorable pup!
john...of johnwairephoto - …this one is gearing up to be my favorite!!!!
isabel - ok…now THAT’s the kind of pooch I want to keep my toes warm during the day while I edit!
Nancy - I love this session especially the last two!
Emily Beaty - What a CUTE puppy! His ears… awhhhhhhh… 🙂 I’m lovin’ that last image, too.
Christine G - Awww very cute! I love the hat pic! Congrats Monica! 🙂
Jess Kamm - I just love that image of Swagger on the porch!
taryn - your photography is awesome! just stumbled on your site… and love little swagger. my good friend of mine is a vizsla breeder and i just adore those dogs! will be back. 🙂
claire - I LOVE SWAGGER! holy hell, vizlsa puppies are hard to beat. super cute photos, all of them!
ashley folkema - What a great couple. And that pup….ah! 🙂
Jess guenst - i LOVEEEEE these picturesss…. monica you are so beautiful 🙂 another great job april!!!!