ten on tuesday

1. Do you decorate for Valentine’s day?

Not so much. We’ll usually put some cheesy stuff out the day of. We don’t fight crowds to go out on Valentine’s Day, we always cook a nice meal at home. We celebrate Valentine’s Day more for the fact that it’s the day that we met. Though it’s usually pretty low-key since our anniversary is only two weeks before, on February 2.
2. Does your desktop have a picture or computer graphic? Is it organized?

It is a wallpaper that was given away somewhere online with the words: Celebrate each day.
3. Do you use a paper planner, electric planner or no planner at all?

I use iCal on my phone and Tave.com, a studio management program.
4. Do you change purses or bags often or stick with a good thing?

I stick with one big purse. I collect too much stuff in that thing to worry about switching to different bags very often. Kev often jokes that if I were to get stranded somewhere, I could live for two weeks off of my purse.
5. What’s your favorite YouTube Video?

Well, my favorite YouTube video of a guilty Boston Terrier that was busted for destroying a couch has since been removed, so I will include this video. Though it’s technically a commercial, I could watch it over and over again. And dance along…

6. Do you use Turbo Tax or a real person to pay your taxes?

A real person. I don’t mess around.
7. How many states have you set foot (or tire) in? Which ones?

Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, California. I think that’s all? That makes 17.
8. How many countries have you been in? Which ones?

Germany, England, France, Holland, Spain {we got engaged!}, Italy, Costa Rica, Mexico {we got married!}, Jamaica, Aruba. 10.

9. How many pillows are in your house? (Sleeping or decorative)

2 on our bed, 3 decorative. Guess we’re not big pillow people.
10. How cold is too cold for flip flops?

I love flip flops but hate chilly feet. I wouldn’t dare to rock flip flops under 70 degrees.

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  • Shauna (Fido & Wino) - I lived in Holland for a couple years 🙂

    Did you go to Amsterdam (I lived there and around Leiden- John proposed in Dam Square :))?

  • Angus & Robyn - I love that commercial too!!! hahahaha

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