ten on tuesday

1. What are your thoughts on Valentine’s Day. Do you love it? Hate it?

I love it. A lot of people hate on it for being a day of forced gestures of love… and while I agree that you should show your significant other that you love them every day, I don’t find anything wrong with a day that celebrates love. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic kind of love. This year we celebrated Valentine’s Day with my Mom and it was lovely! I’ll be posting some photos of it soon!
2. What is your favorite romantic comedy?

Nothing immediately comes to mind but I could watch The Wedding Crashers over and over and still crack up every time. Kev’s favorite is The Princess Bride.
3. Meg Ryan & John Mellencamp: what’s your first reaction?

4. All time favorite poem or quote?

Not so much a poem, but I love this… It’s Holstee’s company manifesto:

5. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without sleep? (like consecutive hours).

Hmmm, it was likely in college when all-nighters are sometimes required for studying and you’re better equipped (physically and alcoholically) to survive on little sleep.
6. What color ink do you prefer to use?

Black for business stuff. Purple for my stuff. I hate red pens because they remind me of my previous life on the copy desk.
7. Share with us a blog that you recently found and fell in love with (and link us!)

I love this dog blog that posts all kinds of fun doggy stuff:  Dog Milk. Also, one of the owners has a Boston Terrier so I’m kind of partial. 🙂
8. If you could be on a reality TV show which one would you choose?

The Amazing Race! No doubt. I LOVE traveling and have been a fan of the show for years. I’d want to run with my little sister because it’d be such a cool thing to experience together, and because she’s strong and would kick my butt when needed.
9. Mountains or Beach?

Beach. There’s something so calming to me about the smell of the salty sea air and the sound of the water.
10. With the Oscars around the corner, what’s your pick for best picture?

The only one that’s nominated that I’ve seen is “The King’s Speech” so I’ll vote for that. Loved it. I wanted to see it for quite awhile, though I knew that it’s not really Kev’s kind of movie, so I figured I’d wait until it comes out on DVD. Two weeks ago Kev asked if I wanted to go to the movies to see the new Adam Sandler movie and since trips to the movies are rare around here, I agreed. The ticket line was long so he said I could wait inside while he got the tickets and he somehow ushered me unknowingly into the wrong theater. When the movie began and “The King’s Speech” came up on the screen I grabbed my purse and said, “We’re in the wrong theater.” He smiled, and reassured me that we were not. He’s sweet like that.

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