ten on tuesday

1. What is your cleaning style like?

Non-existant? Is that an answer? My husband is the cleaner in our relationship so I’d say that mine is complimentary to his cleaning.
2. What is your favorite thing to add to an outfit to take it from casual to classy?

I’m pretty minimalistic, so I’d say some cute jewelry or hot shoes.
3. Do you like stormy weather?

As long as I don’t have to shoot. 🙂 I do like stormy weather… My office has a skylight and the sound of rain falling is comforting to me.
4. What is your favorite cold treat on a hot day?

Popsicles! I feel like a kid typing that but I really love Edy’s fruit bars.
5. What is your favorite warm treat on a cold day?

Coffee! I’ll take coffee on a hot or cold day.
6. Who is your favorite animated character?

Since we just had a recent trip to Disney, I’ll say Mickey.
7. What do you keep your jewelry in?

A wooden jewelry box on my dresser.
8. Do any of the rooms in your house have a theme?

Not so much. I’ve commented before about how our decorating style is rather random. We just buy things that we like.
9. Do you watch any interior design TV shows – if so, what is your favorite?

None. I prefer the shows like House Hunters.
10. When was the last time you did something risk-taking?

Does leaving a steady job at an investment company to start my own business count?

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