ten on tuesday

1. What is your idea of a best date?

I have clients who introduced us to the idea of ‘mystery night.’ One person chooses a restaurant that they haven’t ever been to together and plans the evening. The other person doesn’t know where they’re going until you get there. Kev and I have adopted the idea from Katie + Dan and love it! It’s so exciting to have a surprise date, and we’ve discovered some fun new places.
2. How long does it take you to get ready to go on a date?

45mins, maybe?
3. What would you wear on the date?

I’m not a dressy kind of girl… Right now I’d go for jeans and a sweater.
4. If you are married, how often do you go on dates? If you are single, when was your last date?

Probably about once a week.
5. What was your worst date?

I can’t think of anything really awful… I’d say that most bad dates that I’ve had were because of situations, like really bad service in a restaurant, rather than the fault of the person I was with.
6. Do you/Did you kiss on your first date?

I’ve only been dating my husband for the past 9+ years, it’s been a long, long time since my dating times…
7. If married, how long before you knew he/she was the one? If single, how long before you know if the person is marriage material?

About six months. A few months after we started dating he brought in a photo of an engagement ring that he liked and wanted to see my reaction. And then he waited 3 more years to actually give it to me…

8. Do you prefer day dates or night dates?

Either one. I’m just happy when I get to spend some time with my hubby. Our schedules are kind of opposite so when we have a free day together, I’m thrilled.
9. How old were you when you first were allowed to date?

17, I think. Though that rule got more lenient for my little brother and little sister.

10. What is the most embarassing moment you have had on a date?

Do you really think I’m going to post that on my blog? Come on. Really?

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  • Katie Cotton - YAY for mystery night 🙂 We just did a really good one at the Pineville Tavern!

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