ten on tuesday

1. What are your plans for the holidays? Do you travel at Thanksgiving? If you celebrate Christmas, do you travel then, too?

We don’t travel for the holidays. We’re fortunate that both of our families are nearby.

2. How do you make the plans for the holiday? If you have a significant other, how do you decide which family to visit?

We try to split time equally between families… Spread the love around. We usually spend Christmas Eve with Kev’s parents, and Christmas day with mine.

3. Do you have your Thanksgiving meal at lunch or later in the day?

Usually early afternoon. Late enough to sleep in and have a small breakfast beforehand.

4. Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving tradition?

Nothing specific… It’s nice to just spend time with the family. We do pick up a can of food for our pups every year that’s called Thanksgiving Dinner. I get more excited to give them their Thanksgiving Dinner than to have my own. 🙂

5. After a big meal do you lounge around or get up and take a walk?

I’m all about lounging. And napping.

6. Do you shop on “Black Friday” or do you avoid it?

Avoid it at all costs. I hate shopping in general, so Black Friday is like a nightmare for me.

7. When do you usually finish your Christmas shopping?

A couple days before Christmas. Yep, I’m one of those people.

8. Do you and your significant other exchange gifts? Is there a budget?

We do. No budget. But this year we’re thinking about planning a trip instead of exchanging gifts. We haven’t gotten to take a nice vacation in awhile and could both really use one!

9. When do you decorate for the holidays?

Whenever I can convince the husband to drag the decorations out of the basement. Not until after Thanksgiving, for sure.

10. Do you go “all out” with the decor or do you keep it simple?

Very simple. In fact, I think it’s been two years since we actually decorated for Christmas at all. In our defense, last year we were shooting a wedding in Florida over Christmas so knew we wouldn’t be home anyway.

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