Being a pet photographer, I’ve been inspired by Sharon Montrose’s work for years. You may have heard of her. And if not, you’ve surely seen her work… She has a series of prints of baby animals that is very popular. Her prints have been used to decorate countless babies nurseries, including many celebrities nurseries. It’s a beautiful series… classic, minimalistic, and perfect for a nursery.
A few months ago I was contacted by a couple that is expecting their first baby. They had also seen Sharon’s work, and it sparked an idea for their own baby’s nursery. Instead of baby animal prints, they wanted to do Walter animal prints. Walter is their first baby… their boxer.
Below are the prints that they decided on for their new baby’s nursery…
And some additional shots that I just had to include…
April Ziegler is a Philadelphia pet photographer, who specializes in both personal and commercial pet photography in the Philadelphia area. To book your Philadelphia pet session, click HERE or contact:

Isabel - I’m sooo in love with this! He’s so ridiculously cute!
Concetta Giannetti Velasquez - He is so cute! Will you be taking photos of the nursery?
Beth | Daily Dog Tag - These are adorable! What a fantastic idea!