Not to brag, but Chloe is generally a very good dog. She doesn’t chew up shoes or clothes or furniture. We don’t worry about what she’s up to during the day while we’re at work. Judging by what she does when we’re home during the day, she likely naps the day away. These photos were taken by my husband to document what he came home to…
You will see the dissected toy in question on the left. She tried to deny, but was unaware of a small piece of evidence that remained… hanging from her lip….

megan - it’s great that you can trust her alone!!! bentley beheaded santa one year. and he’s not that only one doing devilish things. the other 2 are guilty of their fair share of crimes. where did we go wrong?
judy g - That is so funny! She has that sweet and innocent face but you just can’t deny the evidence!
Christy - LOL! Busted. She’s adorable and she looks so guilty. 🙂
Emily Beaty - LOL – so funny.
Allison - What a sweetheart… My dog gets this really proud smile on his face as if to say: “look what I made for you!”
claire - haha, i love that last photo- such a guilty look! i know that look well…
Anne Burton - Haha! Adorable!