He had some health issues during the time when we had our session, but was doing so well and the vet said that he was beating all odds. He was a fighter. The most lovable little fighter. He was a world-class cuddler, he curled up in a ball on Celeste’s lap when they traveled in the car, and he even enjoyed walks on a leash. His snuggles, and his hilarious antics, were a comfort for Celeste and a welcome source of laughter during a very difficult time. And he will be deeply missed.

One of my all-time faves, and the pup of last weekend’s bride + groom… This is a bloodhound named Cash…

  • Ian J - Teehheeee,this shot makes me laugh every time! Was it shot using your 16-35? I just love it! πŸ™‚

  • Tina - This is one of my all time favorite shots of yours also:) Perfect picture!

1.Β What is your cleaning style like?

Non-existant? Is that an answer? My husband is the cleaner in our relationship so I’d say that mine is complimentary to his cleaning.
2. What is your favorite thing to add to an outfit to take it from casual to classy?

I’m pretty minimalistic, so I’d say some cute jewelry or hot shoes.
3. Do you like stormy weather?

As long as I don’t have to shoot. πŸ™‚ I do like stormy weather… My office has a skylight and the sound of rain falling is comforting to me.
4. What is your favorite cold treat on a hot day?

Popsicles! I feel like a kid typing that but I really love Edy’s fruit bars.
5. What is your favorite warm treat on a cold day?

Coffee! I’ll take coffee on a hot or cold day.
6. Who is your favorite animated character?

Since we just had a recent trip to Disney, I’ll say Mickey.
7. What do you keep your jewelry in?

A wooden jewelry box on my dresser.
8. Do any of the rooms in your house have a theme?

Not so much. I’ve commented before about how our decorating style is rather random. We just buy things that we like.
9. Do you watch any interior design TV shows – if so, what is your favorite?

None. I prefer the shows like House Hunters.
10. When was the last time you did something risk-taking?

Does leaving a steady job at an investment company to start my own business count?

Many of you know about my sweeth tooth… I’ve mentioned my immense love of cake, cupcakes, more cupcakes, cookies, more cookies, wedding cake, candy, and more chocolate than you can dream about. So when I came upon this website, I knew I had to try some Rescue Chocolate. You can satisfy your sugar craving, and help out the rescue community at the same time… 100% of the net profits from this fantastic company are donated to animal rescue organizations. Tempted to try them? You can WIN the 5 Paw Collection!! This collection consists of:

  • 1 Peanut Butter Pit Bull
  • 1 Mission Feral Fig
  • 1 Foster-iffic Peppermint
  • 1 Pick Me! Pepper
  • 1 The Fix


1. ‘Like’ the April Ziegler Photography Facebook Page.

2. Leave a comment on the Facebook post about which flavor of Rescue Chocolate you want to try!

***Receive a bonus entry for each of the following:

  1. Share on your Facebook status the following: visit April Ziegler Photography to win some Rescue Chocolate! http://www.aprilziegler.com
  2. Click on the ‘Share’ link on April Ziegler Photography Facebook page to share the post on your wall.
  3. Leave a comment in the comment section below by clicking on the ‘Speak’ button.
  4. Click on the ‘Like’ button below.

That’s right… You have 5 chances to win some delish chocolate for a good cause! Be sure to come back and leave a comment in the comment section telling us each bonus entry you completed. Please leave one comment per entry. Spread the word!

A winner will be chosen at random on Saturday, March 19!

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  • April Ziegler Photography via Facebook - Leave a comment for your favorite Rescue Chocolate flavor HERE!

  • Michele Weller via Facebook - Mission Feral Fig sounds AMAZING. Although I’m sure their all good, hope to find out πŸ™‚

  • Amanda - I posted it as my status!

  • Amanda - Those chocolates sound good! I may have to order some if I don’t win! πŸ™‚

  • Amanda - I liked this post!

  • Amanda Carlson via Facebook - The Pick Me! Pepper sounds really good!

  • Amanda - Commented on FB with my favorite flavor! It’s Pick Me! Pepper. πŸ™‚

  • Kelly Lucas Gorney via Facebook - I would love to win! Foster-iffic Peppermint sounds great!

  • kelly g - I updated my status on FB!

  • kelly g - I am a fan on FB and commented under your status!

  • kelly g - I clicked “like” under this post!

  • Becky Olson Anderson via Facebook - I want to try the pick me pepper. Andy would love the peanut butter pit bull.

  • Becky - like you on FB and commented under post

  • Becky - liked this post

  • Becky - shared on fb profile

  • Keri Fuller Doolittle via Facebook - Peanut Butter Pit Bull for sure!!

  • Keri Doolittle - AWESOME!!! These all look so good, but the PB Pit Bull
    looks FANTASTIC!

  • Tami James Wilson via Facebook - Peanut Butter Pit Bull please! πŸ™‚

  • Michele - I liked this post!

  • Michele - I am a fan on FB and commented under post πŸ™‚

  • Angela Kau-Forsberg via Facebook - I’d love to try Fosterrrrific Peppermint. I liked here and at the bottom of the post on your blog. πŸ™‚

  • Cheryl McMurray via Facebook - Peanut Butter Pit Bull!

  • Melissa Bakcsy via Facebook - Mission Feral Fig sounds delish!

  • Melissa - Mission Feral Fig sounds delish!

  • Jena Mae - Id love to try the Peanut Butter Pitbull… because I am the proud and responsible owner of two bullys and they are the best thing thats ever happened to me.

  • Tom Barrett via Facebook - PEANUT BUTTAH PITBULL!

  • Tommy - NOM! Chocolates πŸ™‚

  • Robyn Paulin - My vote is for peanut butter pit bull…can’t resist any of the dogs in the bull family!

  • Robyn Chadwick Paulin via Facebook - peanut butter pitbull all the way.

  • Amanda Duran via Facebook - Peanut butter can’t be beat!

  • AmandaD - These are adorable…..another vote for peanut butter!

  • Sarah Gross via Facebook - Peanut Butter Pit Bull is not safe in my home! No one would get their orders if I kept them πŸ˜‰