Do you want Valentine’s photos of your littlest loves? I’ll be hosting Valentine’s Day Mini Sessions at my Collegeville studio on January 28, 2017. Email me at: to book your spot!

Do you know the old saying, “the cobbler’s children have no shoes”? Well, the same can be said for the photographer’s child. And photos. Every year the insanely busy season starts in September and runs right up until Christmas as I’m scrambling to edit other people’s family photos in time for Christmas cards to be ordered and to prepare other people’s Christmas gifts in time for the holiday. And I’m left with no time to photograph my own growing girl. (This is not a complaint, as I know that I’m very fortunate to be busy enough to fill these past few months documenting other people’s families and babies and pets. But… balance. Right?) This year I was determined to change that and take some time to capture my smart, beautiful, hilariously funny little lady as she turned five years old. And Christmas jammies!

Merry everything! I hope you all get to spend some time with the people you love most in your Christmas jammies!

It’s time for fall mini-sessions! These sessions are the PERFECT opportunity for some updated photos for holiday cards and gifts. They are available for families, children, couples, and pets! You can include up to 4 people/pets per session. Details are below… The sessions will take place on the Perkioment Trail in Spring Mount, PA. You can book your session date and time here:

Contact me at: with any questions!


Tomorrow, my sister will compete in an Ironman. For those that don’t know, an Ironman consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and 26.2 mile run. Yes, I’m serious. I am so proud of her already. The commitment to even train and prepare for a race like this is intense and requires an insane amount of strength and dedication. I can’t say that I’m surprised though. My sister is one of the very strongest people that I know. She’s overcome injuries that have broken her and losses that have devastated her and she has accomplished so very much. Seeing her cross that finish line after 13.5hrs and hearing the announcers voice booming, “Christine Gerges, you ARE an Ironman” took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes. And tomorrow, she’ll cross that finish line again.

And since we can’t be there to cheer her on, I wanted to share some highlights from last year when she kicked the Ironman’s ass…

*The photos below are not strictly my photos… They are a compilation of my own photos, official race photos, and photos that were graciously provided by friends and family.



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