1. Any vacations you are looking forward to this summer?

We are planning a trip to Hawaii in April with my in-laws that I’m VERY much looking forward to. Though it will be our first time, my in-laws have been several times including getting married in Maui ten years ago! We’ll be in Hawaii over their anniversary, so I’m excited to celebrate with them and to experience Hawaii for the first time with my hub. We’re visiting Oahu, Maui, and Kauai… so if anyone has any travel recommendations please send them my way!
2. What is your favorite article of summer clothing (shoes are included)?

Flip flops! I’m totally a flip flop girl. I wish I could wear them year round. My favorite pair are Kinos that my sister brought me home from Key West. I’ve had them for years and refuse to retire them. I used to have another pair as well but a certain Boston Terrier thought that they’d make a good snack one day. Baaaad dog.
3. What is your favorite summer drink (alcoholic or non)?

Non-alcoholic:  Water. Boring, right?

Alcoholic:  Wine. Or Mojitos. Kev grows mint in his herb garden each year which makes for wonderfully fresh mojitos.
4. Do you tan or burn?

Neither anymore. I embrace my paleness.
5. Any goals you are working toward this summer?

Too many to list! I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and goal-making this time of year, both business and personal.
6. What is your favorite summertime food?

Is guacamole a summertime food? For us it’s a year-round food, but it seems summery to me. I love me some guacamole… and really, anything with avocado.
7. What song most says “summer” to you?

“Summer time” by Sublime. I’m a huge Sublime fan and have been since college. This song totally reminds me of college road trips.
8. Any home improvement goals planned for this summer?

Kev has a goal to remodel our master bathroom. It’s a huge project and I’m not sure that it’ll be done this summer but it’ll be lovely to get rid of our builder bathroom.
9. What is one thing you hate to see at the beach?

Banana hammocks. Nuff said.
10. Did you ever go to a summer camp?

I did. I have fond memories of friends and the adventure of sleeping in a big tent, singing around the campfire, a rad zipline across the pond, and the excitement of getting to sleep on the mountaintop with an amazing view. And not-so-fond memories of being woken at the crack of dawn by our counselor’s annoyingly cheerful singing, an ice cold waterslide, and being forced to wear my headgear during the game hour in the evenings. No, I will  not share photos of that.

  • Krista - Ahhhhh good ole summer camp! We had so much fun! You forgot to mention the bear cave we almost got stuck in and that the lovely night on the mountain ended with us waking up half way down the mountain! And for those of you who would like to see those pictures she’s speaking of….I’ll post them
    for the right price!!!

  • Isabel - hehehe…banana hammocks.

  • Melissa - <3 Hawaii. I visited a friend in Oahu. While you are in Oahu, you must go snorkeling in Hanauma Bay! You can arrange for pick-up & rentals for about $20/person. We also went to the Paradise Cove Luau, which was the highlight of our trip. They have activities you can participate in before dinner, and the performers were amazing!

Call it a Hallmark holiday. Call it commercial hype. Call it over-rated. Call it what you will. There’s something to be said for having a day devoted to love. To mushy cards and over-priced flowers and cheesy heart tablecloths and pink icinged cupcakes and Reese cup hearts. And the fact that my husband knows that, more than jewelry, I’d really love some new earbuds that don’t hurt my ears. I turned to see a gift bag sitting behind me on the table, and remarked about how he never fails to surprise me. Even after nine years.

You see, Valentine’s Day is more to us than all the mushyness listed above. Because nine years ago, today, I walked into a dive bar expecting to get nothing more than a buzz from $2 vodka cranberries… And I got myself a husband. So today, I thank god for the allure of cheap drinks. For the most amazing nine years. And for pink icinged cupcakes.

  • Silvina B. - What a cute post! And I seriously want to eat that cupcake!!

  • AmandaD - Sweet story- glad you had a good V-day!

Thor + Oden are Norwegian Elkhounds with the classic big brother/little brother relationship. Thor is the older, well-behaved, calm pup. He’s even a therapy dog, which I would love for my pups to do but I do believe they’re far too neurotic. Oden is the young, spunky pup with a mind of his own…

  • Emily - Awhhh I love those pup smiles!! Beautiful location, too.

  • Julie - Such happy pups!! Beautiful job!

What I loved most about Angela + Steve’s wedding was that they made it their own. From her blue wedding shoes, to their drum wedding cake, to their cookie centerpieces, to their Red Hot Chili Peppers first dance… Their wedding was so them, and so much fun! Evidence below…

Huge thanks to Tina Jay for shooting with me… some of the fabulous images are from her!

Ceremony:  St. Maria Goretti

Reception:  Nostalgia Weddings

Florist:  Chantilly Floral Boutique

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  • Tina - Yayyyy such a fun wedding:) Great couple!

  • Stacey - Looks like so much fun!!! Gorgeous shots and vibe you’ve captured. That drum cake is incredible, and the last photo so sweet.

  • Susan Berman - What a gorgeous wedding! Looks like it was a lot of fun!

  • Judy - April, you did an awesome job photographing and capturing the excitement and love these 2 shared that day. As Steve’s Mom, Thanks!!