1. What is your idea of a best date?

I have clients who introduced us to the idea of ‘mystery night.’ One person chooses a restaurant that they haven’t ever been to together and plans the evening. The other person doesn’t know where they’re going until you get there. Kev and I have adopted the idea from Katie + Dan and love it! It’s so exciting to have a surprise date, and we’ve discovered some fun new places.
2. How long does it take you to get ready to go on a date?

45mins, maybe?
3. What would you wear on the date?

I’m not a dressy kind of girl… Right now I’d go for jeans and a sweater.
4. If you are married, how often do you go on dates? If you are single, when was your last date?

Probably about once a week.
5. What was your worst date?

I can’t think of anything really awful… I’d say that most bad dates that I’ve had were because of situations, like really bad service in a restaurant, rather than the fault of the person I was with.
6. Do you/Did you kiss on your first date?

I’ve only been dating my husband for the past 9+ years, it’s been a long, long time since my dating times…
7. If married, how long before you knew he/she was the one? If single, how long before you know if the person is marriage material?

About six months. A few months after we started dating he brought in a photo of an engagement ring that he liked and wanted to see my reaction. And then he waited 3 more years to actually give it to me…

8. Do you prefer day dates or night dates?

Either one. I’m just happy when I get to spend some time with my hubby. Our schedules are kind of opposite so when we have a free day together, I’m thrilled.
9. How old were you when you first were allowed to date?

17, I think. Though that rule got more lenient for my little brother and little sister.

10. What is the most embarassing moment you have had on a date?

Do you really think I’m going to post that on my blog? Come on. Really?

  • Katie Cotton - YAY for mystery night 🙂 We just did a really good one at the Pineville Tavern!

He asked her when she was her happiest. She was the happiest when she was with her horses. So where else could they spend one of the happiest days of their life together? They were married at Charming Creek Farm, outside of Reading. Their wedding was a perfect mix of the two of them. They said ‘I do’ on a horse farm and then celebrated under a Moroccan-themed tent.

Huge thank you to Amanda for shooting with me for this wedding!

Venue:  Charming Creek Farm

Wedding Coordinator:  Heather Pasko from Lovely Events & Occasions

Florist:  The NoseGay

Cake:  Haute Chocolate

Caterer:  Mayo’s Catering

Entertainment:  EBE  La Starz

  • Claire Garrett - WOW!!!! It’s like a fairytale! x

  • Kati Tyra O'Brien via Facebook - Her dress is AMAZING!

  • Kati Tyra O'Brien via Facebook - And so are the pictures!

  • Jessica - Thanks for sharing this one – great day and great shoes on the bride!

  • Isabel - GORGEOUS! I LUUUURRRVVEE all the details and the horses and the theme and the dress and the colors and the boots and the choos!

  • Emily - What an AMAZING wedding & location!! The details are incredible, and I LOVE her dress. Beautiful work, April!!!

  • Brittani - Absolutely gorgeous! And props for preparing that blog post, there were so many pictures, I was loving it! But such a handsome couple, love love love the barn setting (as a horse lover myself), and the detail shots are to die for!

  • Stephanie - Absolutely stunning. You captured their wedding so perfectly!

  • Stephanie Smith via Facebook - April this is nothing short of stunning! Rocking job girlie 🙂

  • beth - april, i think this is your best yet!! fantastic, magazine worthy and then some. Love the detail shots and the way you captured the whole day!

This is Swagger, a Vizsla who has reason to celebrate… his owners will be tying the knot this weekend! Huge congrats to Monica + Kyle!

  • Ruth - How cuuuuuute! A lot of growing into those ears to do.

  • Ian J - Aww, how stupidly gorgeous! Love the processing as well! 🙂

  • Emily - Awhhhhhhh what a CUTIE!!!!

  • ashley - that may be the cutest puppy i have ever seen! so adorable

  • Nicolasa - Oh my gosh! How adorable!

Jen and Tom got married last weekend at the Ambler Theater, which was such a unique location! Jen was positively radiant and such a relaxed bride… And they were troopers during the chilly spring day. Below is a peek into their day starting at the theater and continuing to the reception at Normandy Farm

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  • jennifer eagen-mccloskey - thank you for posting a sneak peek! i want more!

  • Tina - Looks awesome! Can’t wait to see the rest:)