Yesterday, we said goodbye to our cat Riley. She was almost 12 years old and was our first furbaby. My husband and I got her just a few short months after we met, so she’s been a part of us for almost as long as there has been an ‘us’. She’s been with us through so many of our big life moments… two moves, our engagement, our wedding, the addition of two dogs, job changes, the birth of our baby girl, and some really deep loss. And though she was shy and skittish, she was a constant on Kev’s lap as he watched the news each morning and curled up on our bed at night. She was the start of our family, and losing her has been very hard.

Riley cat… you will be missed.


  • Isabel - aww..I’m so sorry to hear about Riley. Big, virtual hugs to you and Kev.

  • Lacey - I’m so sorry April! We lost our cat, Libby, in November. There’s not a day I don’t feel like she’s about to walk in the room or wake up at my feet in the morning. We miss her deeply but the memories of her are great. I know Riley was very lucky to be part of your family.

  • John Waire - Truly sorry for your loss April. RIP Riley.

  • Nicole Glazier - So sorry to you and your family for your loss…

  • Amanda Young - Losing furbabies is always harder than we ever imagine. They never have enough time on this earth. Thinking of you. Love you.

  • Mom - So sad 🙁 she was a good girl. Quite the talker 🙂 will miss her on the arm of the couch 🙂

  • Erika F - 🙁 so sorry for you loss April. Never easy to lose a family member.

  • Concetta Velasquez - April,

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss…pets sure do become a HUGE part of our lives and it is so hard to lose them. My colleague just lost her 17 year old cat and she got him as her and her husband got together too…brings tears to my eyes.


I hope this Corgi smile brightens your Monday!


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