I’ve confessed in the past about my love for reading. It hasn’t changed. I’m currently a part of three book clubs, which may be a bit ambitious but it motivates me to include a little bit of reading into an otherwise busy day. My friends and fellow photographers, Tina and Amanda, and I have decided to create our own little book club to push ourselves to read one business book each month. Our first book of the year is Purple Cow, by Seth Godin. Here’s what I think about the book…



Great business book and a quick read. The main point of this book is that in order to make your business successful, you need to find a way to make it remarkable. To make it stand out and be noticed among all the others out there. While there weren’t too many new ideas in this book, it did make me think and sparked some ideas for things that I’d like to implement into my business to make it a little different.


Yes… I love any book that makes me think, so this is definitely one that I’d recommend.

I love action shots… Being able to capture pups at their most happy; running, jumping, barking, even drooling. There’s just something about these two shelties chasing each other through the grass that makes me smile…

Happy Monday!

Jill + Joel’s engagement session was too cute not to share on the blog. Although we missed prime grape season in the vineyards, we made it over to Peddler’s Village in time for prime Christmas-shopping season! It was crowded. It was fun to explore though, and we even stopped for coffee and to check out the carousel…

I photographed Sarah + Dave’s engagement session, which included their pug Maggie Mae (who sadly, they have since lost), several years ago. And I was thrilled when they asked me to photograph their wedding… especially since it would bring me to Williamsburg, Virginia. Sarah + Dave got married on their college campus, the College of William and Mary. The ceremony was in the stunning Wren Chapel and the reception was right down the road at the Alumni House. Sarah + Dave wanted to head right to their reception after the ceremony so they decided to do a first look.  LOVED.IT. One of my favorite photos of the day is when Sarah was walking up behind Dave to see him for the first time, her sister carrying her train, and one of her best friends peeking from the porch to get a glimpse of this very sweet moment. And though they had a candy buffet, they couldn’t resist having toothbrushes nearby since they are dentists. All in all, a perfect day…

Venue:  The College of William and Mary

Florist:  My Favorite Things

Caterer:  The Catering Company of Williamsburg

Entertainment:  Another Level

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