September is a busy month in the Ziegler household. We’re kicking off birthday month with Chloe’s birthday TODAY!! I can’t believe my little monster is five. She’s hilarious and quirky and gives more kisses than any dog I’ve ever met. And I love her to pieces. Tonight, we’re celebrating the Chloemonster’s 5th birthday with presents, birthday cookies, and a nice evening walk. And, of course, the traditional birthday hat photoshoot… which she clearly is thrilled about…

  • Ruth - LOL! Dignified! Happy Birthday Chloe ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Tina - Aw she is SO cute! Love the hat! Happy birthday to her:)

  • Shauna (Fido & Wino | R.O.A.R. Squad) - Happy Birthday ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Emilee - Oh my goodness, she is so stinkin cute in her hat! Happy birthday, Miss Chloe! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Meredith Perdue - Happy belated birthday, Chloe! She is adorable!

  • Ian Jeffery - Happy Birthday Chloe! She’s looking fab in her hat ๐Ÿ™‚ Will she be getting lots of birthday cuddles as well?

  • ashley folkema - Happy Birthday Chloe!

  • Emily - Happy birthday to Chloe!! Yes, she does look thrilled in that hat… haha. ๐Ÿ™‚ She’s adorable.

  • Jamie - Uh-dor-uh-bull! I need a hat like that for Fergie. Although I think nobody could wear it better than Chloe! Hope she had a great birthday. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks to the perpetually rainy Sundays that we’ve had this summer… Denise + Travis’ engagement session had to be rescheduled. Twice. By that time, we decided to try our luck on a weekday. Success! And I was thrilled that they brought along their (much more well-behaved that mine) Boston Terrier, Stella.

I’m sure that I have the most beautiful brides ever. They make my job pretty easy…


  • ashley folkema - Gorgeous! That first image makes me swoon. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Kelly Ebright - Is she not the most beautiful girl. And Denise is quite cute as well!!

  • Emily - BEAUTIFUL!!! And I LOVE that last one!

Thor and Oden were my very first session with Norwegian Elkhounds. Thor is a therapy dog… very well behaved and friendly. And Oden has clearly assumed the role of the pesky little brother. I understand that dynamic well from my own pups and I love it. Meet Thor, Oden, and family…

  • Ian@Poochography - Awww, what lovely dogs, and great photos, love the first one, the wide angle look is great ๐Ÿ™‚

As I drove to the park, it started to rain. And I pouted. Surely, cats don’t like the rain. But this cat actually didn’t seem to mind the rain. He hated my camera a lot more than he hated the scattered raindrops that fell throughout our session. And the dreary weather provided some beautiful light for our session. Meet JD…

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