Last weekend we traveled to Williamsburg, Virginia to shoot Sarah + Dave’s wedding on the campus of the College of William and Mary. I photographed their engagement back in June 2009, and was thrilled when they asked me to join them in Virginia for their big day. Which, of course, would not be complete without their adorable little pug, Maggie Mae…

Dave’s dad was his best man, and the way that he smiled so proudly during their ceremony showed that he couldn’t have been happier for his son…

  • Emily - What an adorable pup, and I LOVE that last image!

  • Kara Schultz - I can’t wait to see more! I love dogs and weddings, they’re the best!

I took the i.d. badge from the outside pocket of my purse, where it has resided for the past 6 years, and left it on the desk. With everything that I’ve grown accustomed to seeing on the desk around me now packed in a bag, I took a deep breath and walked out of the office. Today is the day that I left the corporate world.

I never dreamed of what I would be when I grew up. I wanted to be so many things, at so many different times of my life. But one thing was constant… I knew for certain what I did NOT want. I’ve always said that I couldn’t imagine myself being happy working a desk job. Sitting in a cubicle for 8+ hours a day. And for the past 8 years, I’ve done just that. As some of you know, I lost my dad 2 years ago… a man with a 10th grade education and a huge heart that busted his ass every. single. day. of his life so that I could follow my dreams. So that I could go to college and travel and try to figure out just what I should do with my life. What makes me happy. And now I have found something that I love, and that I’m passionate about, and that I built a business doing… and I think it’s a disservice to him, and to myself, not to chase this dream. The past few years have been a rollercoaster… a struggle to balance a day job, a growing business, time with my husband, pups, family, and friends. But it has been so worth it. I’ve never been happier. I never could have imagined that this little business would grow so fast. I never could have imagined how many amazing people it would bring into my life. Or how many amazing places it would take me. And while I never ever dreamed of becoming a photographer, now I can’t imagine not. So today, I begin my chase…

  • Shauna (Fido & Wino) - GOOD for you! Go kick some ass and grab the bull by the horns and breathe deep and dream big.

    Well done πŸ™‚

  • Becky Serpe - Wow, Congratulations April!!! That is awesome!

  • AmandaD - So exciting! CONGRATS!!! You are awesome & will totally rock it- cheers to you for following your dreams!

  • Krista - April, as your friend I couldn’t be happier to see you follow your dreams! And I KNOW that you’re dad is smiling down on you right now, sooo proud of all your accomplishments! Follow your heart, it hasn’t steered you wrong yet. I’m honored to call you my best friend! Love you!

  • Becky - Congratulations April! You are an amazingly talented photographer–I’m so happy for you!

  • Isabel - I am so ridiculously proud of you! I KNOW that you will do AMAZING and have no doubt in my mind of how far you will go. Hooray for you! And hooray for me…I finally have a lunchtime sushi buddy!

  • Alexis - April, that’s fantastic! You have worked so hard and you deserve every bit of success that comes your way!! Congrats!

  • Amanda - So happy for you, April!

  • Emily - I’m sooooooo very happy for you, April!! Congratulations!!!!!!

  • Alleigh - There is no need to wish you luck because you’re talented and your photographer is so fresh that you don’t need “luck.” However, a hearty CONGRATULATIONS are in order!! There is no doubt that you will do amazing things and be successful.

  • Wendy - Congraulations at following your heart! It won’t always be easy on the pocketbook, but I bet you will never regret it. You go girl!

  • mom - April, I am so happy and proud for you! You’ve earned it! You’ve always gone above and beyond what you needed to do. Dad is surely beaming up in heaven for you πŸ™‚ I wish for you first happiness and success!!! Love you, mom

  • Tori - Congratulations April! You have amazing talent and I wish you much success.

  • Ashley Bartoletti - hooray! enjoy the freedom!! πŸ™‚

  • Nancy - April, that’s awesome. I’m so happy for you!! You are such an amazing and talented photographer – there’s no doubt you’ll be successful!

  • Kara Schultz - Congrats! You’ll do fabulous! It’s great leaving the cubicles behind πŸ™‚

  • Tina - SOOOOO proud & happy for you! Can’t wait for our photographer lunches now, instead of meeting on our lunch break for our corporate gigs! Yay!

  • Ian Jeffery - That is awesome! I’m sure i’m not alone here in saying how much i’d love to quit my office job, your story is an inspiration, your photography is amazing, totally improving all the time, i’m sure you’ll make it πŸ™‚

  • kristen holly - Congratulations again!! So exciting, so much fun in your future!

  • Erika Frederickson - AWESOME April! Your Daddy would be so proud of you!!!

  • Stacey - SO CRAZY HAPPY for you!!!!

  • Alpha Dog Studio - Congrats on the big move. I’m hoping to make the same move you are, it takes a lot of courage! All the best, you’ll do well!

  • Brittani - Congratulations! I really hope to be able to do the same thing one day! Amazing things are coming your way! πŸ™‚

Megan + John are the kind of people that I adore working with. The kind of people that, even on their wedding day, were checking to make sure that everyone else was ok. The kind of people that will get up from their own dinner at their reception to make sure their photographers and DJ are being fed. The kind of people that, at the end of the long, amazing day, not only hug you goodnight but lead you to a table full of homemade cookies and insist that you take at least enough to provide a sufficient sugar rush for the drive home.Β Which is why I particularly love this image. Because despite everything else going on around them, for a couple minutes during their first dance, it was JUST the two of them…

  • Libby - These are beautiful, April! I love all the rich colors. Can’t wait to see more!

  • Megan - I finally just got the time to respond to your post.

    You are such a sweetheart!!!! We had a fabulous day and glad you could be a part of it. Looking forward to seeing more pics and hanging out with you and the hubs soon πŸ™‚

Baaaaaaarely squeezing this in before it’s no longer Tuesday…

1. What does your work out schedule look like?
It’s random and severely lacking. Pretty much whenever I have free time to jump on the treadmill or bike. Right now the only negotiable time that I have is sleep, and I’m not willing to give up one of my five hours of sleep to work out. Call me lazy.

2. What is your favorite machine to use at the gym?
Though my gym membership has long since expired, my favorite machine was probably the smith machine. Everyone loves a good bum workout.

3. What is your favorite class to take at the gym?
I’ve only ever done a yoga class. Would like to try Zumba though.

4. Where do you shop for work out gear and clothing?
Nike outlet. Or Sports Authority.

5. If you can’t go to the gym, do you have a favorite outdoor activity?
Taking the pups for a walk. They love, love, love it. And I love the way they prance along without a care in the world.

6. What about a favorite work out DVD? If so, please share!
Bryan Kest’s Power Yoga. It has three different levels of difficulty, though all three are pretty kick-ass. Or maybe I’m just really out of shape…

7. Are you more active now or when you were in high school?
In high school, for sure. I spend far too much time at a desk now.

8. How has your dieting/working out philosophy changed since high school?
I didn’t have much of a dieting/working out philosophy in high school. I think my focus then was more on being thin, whereas now it is more on being healthy.

9. What do you do while working out– (i.e., day dream, read, listen to music, gab with a friend)?
Watch tv, thanks to a fabulous husband who installed a tv in front of my treadmill. Or read gossip mags… the treadmill is the perfect time to catch up with my good friend, US Magazine.

10. What working out resolution would you like to make for yourself this year?
To do it? Yeah. That might be a start.

I aim high.

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