Jana + Shannon love being outdoors… biking, running, fishing, hiking, gardening… just being together. During their two years of dating, they split their time between her place in the city and his in the country. Shannon lived minutes from Green Lane Park, so it was a natural choice for their engagement session. Last week, we met up with Jana + Shannon at Green Lane Park on an overcast, cool day. And though many people rush to do their photo session before the leaves fall off the trees, there’s something that I love so much about the contrast between the warm light and the cool, leafless trees. The sun shone for one brilliant minute during our session… L.o.v.e.

Jana, you are STUNNING!

  • Jana - So sweet April! We love them!:)

  • Nancy - Love these pics, especially the first one! Cute couple too!

  • ashley folkema - April, your work is simply beautiful!

Today was a day of giving thanks. As we watched the first snowflakes of the season falling during our morning walk with the pups, I took some time to reflect on our blessings. It’s been a year full of change, and we have much to be thankful for. And though I feel like the list of my thankfulness would be too long, and likely wouldn’t interest too many people, I want to give a huge thanks to my amazing husband. The one who holds it all together. Who cooks me dinner and doesn’t complain about my lack of cooking skills. Who is almost neurotically clean and, knowing of my complete and utter messyness, married me anyway. Who tags along on my photo sessions so that I don’t have to drive alone. Who loves our pups in a way that makes my heart indescribably happy. Who laughs when I dance, rubs my shoulders when I sigh heavily, and holds me when I cry. I couldn’t dream up better. And for that, I’m eternally thankful.

And I know of two furry little girls that were also very thankful today. At least, at dinnertime…

  • Christy - Awww how sweet! We’re 2 lucky chicks that have amazing husbands. 🙂

  • Christine - Love you guys!! 🙂

Crash. I learned how he was given this name when, 10 minutes into our session, I felt all 140lbs of him come crashing into the back of my knees and knocking me straight on my behind. He cushioned my fall, and he bounced right back up to tackle his little brother Echo. Because, even though they’ve only been brothers for 5 months, they are each other’s favorite wrestling buddies. They run and bounce and play bitey face and pounce on each other… immensely happy to be together. And today, I have no doubt that they’re enjoying their first Thanksgiving together as a family. A family where they’re so well-loved…

  • Wren Ingram - April- the B&W photo of us is amazing….LOVE IT!

Jessica + Jason met on a blind date at a sushi restaurant. Almost two years later, at a sushi restaurant, Jason placed a bottle of Little Penguin Merlot on the table with a label that read, “Will you be my penguin?” and a ring box. She didn’t have to think about her answer. She already thought of herself as his penguin. And now she would soon be able to think of herself as his wife…

We started their engagement session at a local park in order to get some photos of Jessica + Jason and their pups, Maya and Leya. And we then headed to Longwood Gardens, where these two worked. it. out! RAWR!!

  • Heather O'Mara - Love it!! The red leaves are great in last shot here and you got to use those glass windows that I love in the one above.

  • Li Ward - Gorgeous x10000

1. What are your plans for the holidays? Do you travel at Thanksgiving? If you celebrate Christmas, do you travel then, too?

We don’t travel for the holidays. We’re fortunate that both of our families are nearby.

2. How do you make the plans for the holiday? If you have a significant other, how do you decide which family to visit?

We try to split time equally between families… Spread the love around. We usually spend Christmas Eve with Kev’s parents, and Christmas day with mine.

3. Do you have your Thanksgiving meal at lunch or later in the day?

Usually early afternoon. Late enough to sleep in and have a small breakfast beforehand.

4. Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving tradition?

Nothing specific… It’s nice to just spend time with the family. We do pick up a can of food for our pups every year that’s called Thanksgiving Dinner. I get more excited to give them their Thanksgiving Dinner than to have my own. 🙂

5. After a big meal do you lounge around or get up and take a walk?

I’m all about lounging. And napping.

6. Do you shop on “Black Friday” or do you avoid it?

Avoid it at all costs. I hate shopping in general, so Black Friday is like a nightmare for me.

7. When do you usually finish your Christmas shopping?

A couple days before Christmas. Yep, I’m one of those people.

8. Do you and your significant other exchange gifts? Is there a budget?

We do. No budget. But this year we’re thinking about planning a trip instead of exchanging gifts. We haven’t gotten to take a nice vacation in awhile and could both really use one!

9. When do you decorate for the holidays?

Whenever I can convince the husband to drag the decorations out of the basement. Not until after Thanksgiving, for sure.

10. Do you go “all out” with the decor or do you keep it simple?

Very simple. In fact, I think it’s been two years since we actually decorated for Christmas at all. In our defense, last year we were shooting a wedding in Florida over Christmas so knew we wouldn’t be home anyway.

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