It was a chilly Sunday morning, and I arrived at their house to find Twinkie curled up on a blanket on the couch. Despite being blind and deaf, he knew right away when Kim brought a treat from the kitchen and layed it on the arm of the sofa. He was excited when we headed out for a walk… confidant in his knowledge of the area, even without being able to see it. He lifted his nose into the air often, to take in the neighborhood smells. He had a few bumps along the way, but Kim kept him on the right track. And though he wandered a little in the park, he always found his way back to Kim, climbing up into her lap…

  • Amber - What a sweetie and a trooper! It’s amazing what one (human or canine) can accomplish despite the obstacles life may throw at us.

  • Angus & Robyn - awwww, what a sweet, sweet face!! i want to pick him up and snuggle.

In an effort to spice things up around here, I’ll be starting a little project called Ten on Tuesday. Maybe you don’t care what I have to say about ten random topics? That’s ok. There will be new photos of insanely adorable pup faces and lovey couples very soon. Stick around. Each Tuesday, ten questions are posted to the blog linked above and will be answered right here. Feel free to play along… I’d love to see your answers!

1. Growing up, what was one favorite item that you had to have with you at all times?
I always, always had books with me as a kid. I would read everywhere. I’m a huge bookworm. So much so that when our elementary school allowed each 5th grader to paint a block that lined the school hallway, and most kids drew soccer balls or their family or flowers, I drew a book. My husband finds this hilarious. He was one of the soccer ball drawers.

2. Being an adult, what is one favorite item that you have to have with you at all times, and what happens if you do not have it with you? Do you lose your sanity or just go back home to get it?
My iPhone. I’d return home from anywhere in the world to get it. No joke.

3. Where is your favorite place to be to just hide away from everything and breathe for a moment?
On my lounger on the deck. It’s my favorite place at home to escape with a good book and relax on a warm afternoon.

4. What is your favorite thing about your partner? (If you don’t have a partner, then someone who is very close and will always be in your life)
That he takes such good care of us (by us, I mean myself and of course, our pups and Riley cat). Despite working a very physically demanding job, he does SO much around the house to allow me to come home from the day job and work on my business without worrying about things like cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry… the list goes on… He’s amazing. Really.

And yes, I do plan on picking up some of those tasks when I’m working from home. Though I doubt that I will do them nearly as well as him. Prepare yourself for some kitchen horror stories.

5. What is your favorite thing about your job? (If you don’t have a job, then what is your favorite thing that you do during your day?)
My favorite thing about my day job is that I’m leaving it in two weeks! 🙂 My favorite thing about my photography business is the freedom. The freedom to be my own boss. To do as much or as little as I’d like. When I’d like to do it. And to grow my business as much as I push myself to.

6. What is your favorite lesson that your parents taught you growing up? Looking back, is it something that you want to use to teach your children when they reach that age?

Never take life too seriously. If there’s one thing that there was an abundance of in our house growing up, it was laughter. Often incited by my father. Jokes and pranks and food fights and outrageous dancing. I remember so much laughter. Laughter during good times and laughter to make hard times a little more bearable. That’s what I’d want my {future} kids to remember about their childhood.

7. What is your favorite song, that will always bring a smile to your face and make you think of something happy?
I don’t really have a favorite song, but anything by Sublime reminds me of college road trips. Fun times.

8. What is your favorite things about being an American? (If you not American, what are you proud of in regards to your country)
Ehhh, this is a question that I’m not really sure how to answer…

9. What is your favorite meal that reminds you of being a child?
Pancakes. A weekend breakfast staple in our home.

10. Name 3 things that other people would say are their favorite thing about you.

I’d hope that they’d say… my sense of humor, my easygoing nature, and my fabulous singing-in-the-car voice. Or maybe one of those three. 


  • Stacey - Ohmigosh!!! I didn’t know you quit your job! I’m sooooo excited for you! Weeeee! CONGRATS!

  • Isabel - Next time we’re in the car together…I’m making you sing!

  • Matt - Congrats! Quiting your day job is a HUGE milestone! Bask in it!

  • Emily - I can’t leave my home w/out my iPhone either! 🙂 I’m so excited for you and this next step forward for your business; you’re going to continue doing wonderful things!

Robyn, Glen and I met a year and a half ago at Bullyfest, where they happened to be the lucky winners of a raffle for a free session for their bulldog, Angus. You can see the announcement of Angus’ big win HERE! Angus is THE perfect bulldog, and for the past year I’ve been constantly entertained by the new, and always hilarious, photos of Angus posted on Robyn’s Facebook wall. I was so happy to hear of their engagement and even more ecstatic when they asked me to shoot their wedding next year in New Jersey! Especially because I knew that since Angus is such a big part of their life, I would surely get to photograph him again. We started out at their place to allow Angus his camera time…

I love the photo above because his jowels are just so HIM. They crack me up. And they collect dirt and grass and leaves and pretty much anything in his path when he goes for a walk. This photo was obviously towards the beginning of our walk. 🙂

And then we headed to a CASTLE!!

Ok. It was Princeton. Closest thing to a castle that you’ll find in New Jersey.

Love, love, LOVE this last photo… Robyn, I *heart* you for being so dang cute…

  • Nancy - I love this last photo too!

  • Angus & Robyn - The last picture was me and my “serious” face. hahahaha!

Jenni + Matt wanted to do their engagement photos in a location where they spend a lot of time together… Running. They’re training for a marathon next month! The scenery doesn’t get much better than the Art Museum area when you’re running. And ironically, as we stood on the famous steps in front of the museum, we saw hundreds of people make their way down the parkway right in front of us for a 5K run.

Jenni + Matt… thank you for getting up early to join me before your 20-miler. I hope it was kind to you!

  • Stacey - Awesome light on these guys… Been loving your people posts the past few days 🙂

  • Susanne Crawford - What a cute couple!!
    My granddog “Zoey” is adorable, too!

  • Nina Ranieri - Oh my gosh I love these photos!!! My cousin is GORGEOUS and I couldn’t Love Matt any more! They are truly perfect together <3 Zoey too.. super precious!

  • Babs - Love your pictures! Just beautiful!!

Erin + John both attended Penn State Abington campus, so it’s only appropriate that we do their engagement session there. I couldn’t resist a nittany lion and some bling…

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