Tomorrow, the hubs and I will be attending the first ever Cookies for Canines class at Viking Cooking School in Bryn Mawr. We have previously taken a sushi class at Viking and loved it so we’re really looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow, we’ll be learning how to make our own homemade dog treats… You can see the menu listed below. I’m particularly excited about the pupcakes. It’s comforting to know exactly what’s going into what we’re feeding the pups… and let’s face it, it just sounds FUN!

You can find more information on the class by clicking HERE. There are upcoming classes on October 11 and December 19. Sign up soon, as the classes fill up fast! They’d make a great gift for a dog lover in your life. And as a bonus, the school will be decorated with my work during the class!

Last week I met up with the Hiller family to do photos of Chase at six months old. But let’s start with the first baby of the family, their irresistibly adorable French Bulldog named Shelby…

When we started, Chase had just woken from a nap and was NOT into getting his photo taken. What do you think he’s trying to say here…?ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Fortunately, it wasn’t long until he was all smiles…

  • sarah - LOVE Chase’s grump-face ๐Ÿ™‚

  • ashley folkema - Oh my goodness…that first picture of Chase has me all smiles!

  • Emily - What an adorable family… I just love that second image!!

  • claire - SUPER cute session ๐Ÿ™‚

People always ask what they should wear for their session. You can’t go wrong with cute shoes. How perfect would these be for an engagement session?? Or even under a wedding dress?


And a girl that wears red shoes with her wedding dress is my kinda girl…

Perhaps you have noticed the less than sporadic blog posting recently. And though I wish I had an exciting excuse for where I’ve been… the truth is, I’ve been working. Hard. I’ve been busy shooting, and editing, and meeting with clients, and sending out orders. All the behind the scenes stuff that doesn’t quite make for good blog material. So to hold you over until this place switches into high gear with all the new stuff that I have to post… Here’s a shot of my parent’s big boned pug…

Don’t call her fat! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • ashley folkema - I know those days! And…she is adorable!

  • Emily - She’s a cutie!! Beautiful photo of her…

  • alexa - What an adorable little girl! ๐Ÿ™‚ Who would ever call her fat? ๐Ÿ˜‰

It started pouring on Sunday afternoon. Downpour. The kind that hits out of the blue and makes you run for cover. With Adrienne + Josh’s engagement session just hours away, I was not so happy with Mother Nature. But after an hour or so the rain slowed, and forecasted that the storms would pass. Perfect. Until about 1/2hr into our session, as we were trekking around Center City… RAIN!!! But we didn’t let that stop us. And though we sought cover in some stanky alleyways and under business awnings… Adrienne + Josh were totally cool and did not complain once about hiking around the city in the rain. And that’s why I love them.

How incredible is this ring? They designed it, so you’ll notice their initials on the side…

Love. Just love.

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  • Ro - can’t wait to see more ๐Ÿ™‚ love the last few posts as well – that one wedding in front of the mural jumping is sooo fun! as always, love your work.